Is there an equivalent of OnExternalOjbectsDropReject for a GoView?

I see that there is a drop reject for background selection and object selection. Is there one for external objects? I need this feature to undo markup of the diagram (highlighting of items for example). Note that I am not dragging and dropping GoObjects.


Can you tell me more about the user interaction and what you want to happen? It sounds like you’re trying to prevent selection in some cases.

Hi Jake. I’m doing external drag-n-drop. As I drag over various elements of my diagram I highlight them. However, there are many drop operations that are not allowed. Even when drop is not allowed, I highlight the target element so that it is clear what the rejected target is. If the user releases the mouse while over such a highlighted but disallowed element, I don’t know how to receive an indication that the drop was rejected. I have discovered that I get the desired effect if I override OnMouseOver for my nodes and links and always un-highlight a highlighted element. None the less, it would be nice to have a more succinct solution.


Ah, that helps. Look at how CollapsingRecordNode handles OnEnterLeave. I think that may help.

look for this comment in the code (to enable drag/drop)

//??? comment out the following three assignments,