IsDoubleClick not working in StandardMouseSelect of CustomClickSelectingTool

I want to check if the mouse was doubleclicked im StandardMouseSelect of ClickSelectingTool but it doesn’t work:

Here is the code

public class CustomClickSelectingTool : ClickSelectingTool
    protected override void StandardMouseSelect()
        // remember selected group before MouseSelect
        var selectedGroup = Diagram.SelectedGroup;
        var oldSelectedParts = Diagram.SelectedParts.ToList();  // Kopie machen!
        // check after MouseSelect
        var selectedPart = Diagram.SelectedPart;
        if (selectedPart != null)
            if (oldSelectedParts.Contains(selectedPart)) return;
            if (selectedGroup == null || !Equals(selectedGroup, selectedPart.ContainingSubGraph))
                if (selectedPart.ContainingSubGraph != null)
                    if (IsDoubleClick())
                        selectedPart.IsSelected = false;
                        selectedPart.ContainingSubGraph.IsSelected = true;

I’m not sure, but my guess is that the tool is running on the first click, so the second click hasn’t happened yet.

Ok, I implemented this by my self.