I have a bug related to setting the color of the overview box. My app takes advantage of the gojs-react library. To set the overview box color, we would apply the recommended approach in our initOverview function to be passed into the ReactOverview component.
private initOverview(): go.Overview {
const $ = go.GraphObject.make;
const overview = $(go.Overview, { contentAlignment: go.Spot.Center });
**(overview.box.elt(0) as go.Shape).stroke = "blue";**
return overview;
I tested applying that overview color change line in a non-react sample and it actually still works. However, this is not the case for samples that take advantage of react.
Here is the sample I personally tested with, React with Overview Sample.
If I add that overview color change in the sample’s initOverview function, it does not work for v3.0.8. However, if I change the version of the sample to use v2.3.9, it does work.
Not sure if a change must happen on my end, gojs, or gojs-react. Let me know which of the three and if it’s my end, what to do because it isn’t clear.