I encountered an odd issue with the fromEndSegmentLength
property. When I change this property via my UI, the link doesn’t immediately reroute — the change only becomes visible once I move one of the nodes.
Interestingly, other properties like strokeWidth
and fromShortLength
update the link immediately and adjust its appearance right away, but fromEndSegmentLength
seems to require a manual rerouting, which isn’t triggered automatically.
I’ve already tried using invalidateRoute()
, updateRoute()
, and reshape()
, but nothing seems to trigger the rerouting so that the change is visible immediately. Do you have any idea why the fromEndSegmentLength
behaves like this and how I can ensure the route is updated instantly?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Here’s my setup to reproduce this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/release/go.js"></script>
<div id="allSampleContent" class="p-4 w-full">
<script id="code">
const $ = go.GraphObject.make;
function init() {
myDiagram = new go.Diagram('myDiagramDiv', {
'undoManager.isEnabled': true
function setupDiagram(diagram) {
diagram.nodeTemplate =
new go.Node('Auto', { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center })
.bindTwoWay('location', 'location', go.Point.parse, go.Point.stringify)
new go.Shape({
fill: 'lightgray',
portId: '', cursor: 'pointer',
fromSpot: go.Spot.AllSides, toSpot: go.Spot.AllSides,
// fromLinkable: true, toLinkable: true
new go.TextBlock({ margin: 10 })
diagram.linkTemplate =
reshapable: true,
resegmentable: true,
relinkableFrom: true,
relinkableTo: true,
adjusting: go.LinkAdjusting.None,
new go.Binding("fromEndSegmentLength"),
new go.Binding("toEndSegmentLength"),
new go.Binding("fromShortLength"),
new go.Binding("toShortLength"),
new go.Binding("points").makeTwoWay(),
$(go.Shape, {
toArrow: "Standard"
$(go.Shape, {
isPanelMain: true
new go.Binding("strokeWidth"))
diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel({
pointsDigits: 0,
{ key: 1, text: 'Alpha', location: '0 0' },
{ key: 2, text: 'Beta', location: '20 100' }
linkDataArray: [{ from: 1, to: 2 }]
// Function to set fromEndSegmentLength
function setFromEndSegmentLength(value, diagram) {
diagram.startTransaction("Change fromEndSegmentLength");
var linkData = diagram.model.linkDataArray[0]; // Modifying the first link
diagram.model.setDataProperty(linkData, "fromEndSegmentLength", +value);
// Force rerouting by invalidating the route
// var link = diagram.findLinkForData(linkData);
// if (link !== null) {
// console.log(link);
// link.invalidateRoute(); // Forces a reroute of the link
// link.updateRoute();
// }
// diagram.model.updateTargetBindings(linkData);
diagram.commitTransaction("Change fromEndSegmentLength");
// Function to set fromShortLength
function setFromShortLength(value, diagram) {
diagram.startTransaction("Change fromShortLength");
var linkData = diagram.model.linkDataArray[0]; // Modifying the first link
diagram.model.setDataProperty(linkData, "fromShortLength", +value);
diagram.commitTransaction("Change fromShortLength");
// Function to set strokeWidth
function setLinkStrokeWidth(value, diagram) {
diagram.startTransaction("Change link strokeWidth");
var linkData = diagram.model.linkDataArray[0]; // Modifying the first link
diagram.model.setDataProperty(linkData, "strokeWidth", +value);
diagram.commitTransaction("Change link strokeWidth");
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);
<div id="sample" style="display: flex; justify-content: space-around;">
<div id="myDiagramDiv" style="border: solid 1px black; width: 90vw; height: 50vh"></div>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
<div style="color: green;">Update triggers correct re-routing immediately.</div>
<label for="fromShortLength">From Short Length:</label>
<input type="number" id="fromShortLength" oninput="setFromShortLength(this.value, myDiagram)" />
<label for="linkWidth">Link Width:</label>
<input type="number" id="linkWidth" oninput="setLinkStrokeWidth(this.value, myDiagram)" />
<div style="color: red;">Update does NOT trigger re-routing immediately. You have to move a node to see the correct route.</div>
<label for="fromEndSegmentLength">From End Segment Length:</label>
<input type="number" id="fromEndSegmentLength" oninput="setFromEndSegmentLength(this.value, myDiagram)" />