Issues with adding a node dynamically on button click

Hi, I am getting few issues while adding a new node and a link dynamically on a button click while working with GOJS with angular 8.
Using model.addNodeData() method but it is creating the node above the previous one.
Adding the code below :

1. Init Diagram method

public initDiagram() : go.Diagram{


const $ = go.GraphObject.make;

const dia = $(go.Diagram, {

  'undoManager.isEnabled': true, // must be set to allow for model change listening

  // 'undoManager.maxHistoryLength': 0,  // uncomment disable undo/redo functionality

  model: $(go.GraphLinksModel,


      linkToPortIdProperty: 'toPort',

      linkFromPortIdProperty: 'fromPort',

      linkKeyProperty: 'key' // IMPORTANT! must be defined for merges and data sync when using GraphLinksModel




// define the Node template

dia.nodeTemplate =

  $(go.Node, 'Auto',


      toLinkable: true, fromLinkable: true


    $(go.Shape, {width: 120, height: 35, strokeWidth : 0},

      new go.Binding('figure','figure'),

      new go.Binding('fill', 'color'),

      new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse),


    $(go.Panel, "Table",

      {defaultAlignment : go.Spot.Left, margin : 4},

      $(go.RowColumnDefinition, {row : 2, column : 2}),


        {row : 0, column : 0},

        {isMultiline: true },

        new go.Binding('text', 'key'),

        new go.Binding('stroke','stroke')



        {row : 1, column : 0 },

        new go.Binding('text', 'desc'),

        new go.Binding('stroke','stroke')


      { click: function(e, obj) { 


       } }



return dia;


2. Default values of nodeDataArray (diagramNodeData) and method

public diagramNodeData : Array<go.ObjectData> = [

{ key: '1', desc : '2', stroke : 'white', color: '#1d1b1bb8', figure: "Rectangle", loc : "0 0"}  


public diagramLinkData : Array<go.ObjectData> = [];
@ViewChild(‘myDiagram’, { static: true }) public myDiagramComponent: DiagramComponent;

public diagramDivClassName: string = ‘myDiagramDiv’;

public diagramModelData = { prop: ‘value’ };

public skipsDiagramUpdate = false;

// When the diagram model changes, update app data to reflect those changes

public diagramModelChange = function(changes: go.IncrementalData) {


// when setting state here, be sure to set skipsDiagramUpdate: true since GoJS already has this update

// (since this is a GoJS model changed listener event function)

// this way, we don't log an unneeded transaction in the Diagram's undoManager history

this.skipsDiagramUpdate = true;

this.diagramNodeData = DataSyncService.syncNodeData(changes, this.diagramNodeData);

this.diagramLinkData = DataSyncService.syncLinkData(changes, this.diagramLinkData);

this.diagramModelData = DataSyncService.syncModelData(changes, this.diagramModelData);


  1. Added a listener for changedSelection and called a modify modify diagram method to call this.myDiagramComponent.diagram.model.addNodeData(data); myDiagramComponent is an element from ViewChild. I guess its working but it is showing one above the another and data array is also showing two elements.


const canvasComponent : CanvasComponent =  this;


  console.log('called while changed selection' + e);

  if (e.diagram.selection.count === 0) {

    canvasComponent.selectedNode = null;


  const node = e.diagram.selection.first();

  if (node instanceof go.Node) {

    canvasComponent.selectedNode = node;

  } else {

    canvasComponent.selectedNode = null;












let data  =  { key: '3', desc : '4', stroke : 'white', color: 'red', figure: "Circle", loc : "0 -50"}  


let val = this.myDiagramComponent.diagram.model as go.GraphLinksModel;

val.addLinkData({ key: 1, from: ‘1’, to: ‘3’ })



Your node template does not get a position from model data through a binding, so you must not be providing that information in the node data object. And the user is obviously not positioning the new nodes by hand. So the new nodes have to depend on automatic positioning of nodes. That is the responsibility of the Diagram.layout, which you haven’t set.

How is your app designed – do users position (almost) all nodes or should the app position them all?