Link Direction problem

How Can I fixed it???

<go:Route Corner=“5” Curve=“JumpOver” Routing=“Orthogonal” Curviness=“30” RelinkableFrom=“False” RelinkableTo=“False” FromEndSegmentDirection=“Absolute” ToEndSegmentDirection=“Absolute” ToShortLength=“30” ToEndSegmentLength=“70”>


I think you want to specify the FromSpot and ToSpot somehow, either on the nodes or on the links:

go:Node.FromSpot="MiddleRight" go:Node.ToSpot="MiddleRight"

No respone…

Do i have any solution that to port direction fixed ? for example, to port direction fix left to right, not top to bottom


Could you please show the template that has the new settings of FromSpot and ToSpot?

Oh… I Fixed It !!

This code is node data template xaml, link data template has no changed.

Really thank you !!