Link not getting straight

In this image as visible that link is bend I want straight link and in some how any of data this red link is also bend and pls provide me that how to correct this , I am provide you code below

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <script src="[email protected]"></script>
    <div id="allSampleContent" class="p-4 w-full">
        <script src="./SwimLaneLayout.js"></script>
        <script id="code">
            var DIRECTION = 0; // used to customize the layout and the templates, only upon first initialization
            function init() {

                if (window.goSamples) goSamples(); // init for these samples -- you don't need to call this
                var $ = go.GraphObject.make; // for conciseness in defining templates
                myDiagram = new go.Diagram('myDiagramDiv', {
                    allowCopy: false,
                    initialContentAlignment: go.Spot.LeftCenter,
                    layout: $(SwimLaneLayout, {
                        laneProperty: 'group', // needs to know how to assign vertexes/nodes into lanes/groups
                        direction: DIRECTION, // Group template also depends on DIRECTION
                        setsPortSpots: false,
                        layerSpacing: 40,  //** should be bigger than the default value of 25
                        columnSpacing: 20,  //** should be smaller than the default value of 25
                        commitLayers: function (layerRects, offset) {
                            // method override requires function, not =>
                            if (layerRects.length === 0) return;
                            var horiz = this.direction === 0 || this.direction === 180;
                            var forwards = this.direction === 0 || this.direction === 90;

                            var rect = layerRects[forwards ? layerRects.length - 1 : 0];
                            var totallength = horiz ? rect.right : rect.bottom;
                            if (horiz) {
                                offset.y -= this.columnSpacing * 3 / 2;
                            } else {
                                offset.x -= this.columnSpacing * 3 / 2;
                            for (var i = 0; i < this.laneNames.length; i++) {
                                var lane = this.laneNames[i];
                                // assume lane names do not conflict with node names
                                var group = this.diagram.findNodeForKey(lane);
                                if (group === null) {
                                    this.diagram.model.addNodeData({ key: lane, isGroup: true });
                                    group = this.diagram.findNodeForKey(lane);
                                //** Added this shift for all lanes
                                if (horiz) {
                                    group.location = new go.Point(-this.layerSpacing / 2, this.lanePositions.get(lane) * this.columnSpacing + offset.y);
                                } else {
                                    group.location = new go.Point(this.lanePositions.get(lane) * this.columnSpacing + offset.x, -this.layerSpacing / 2);
                                var ph = group.findObject('PLACEHOLDER'); // won't be a go.Placeholder, but just a regular Shape
                                if (ph === null) ph = group;
                                if (horiz) {
                                    ph.desiredSize = new go.Size(totallength, (this.laneBreadths.get(lane) * this.columnSpacing));
                                } else {
                                    ph.desiredSize = new go.Size(this.laneBreadths.get(lane) * this.columnSpacing, (totallength));

                myDiagram.nodeTemplate = $(go.Node, "Auto",
                        selectionAdorned: false,
                        movable: false,
                        selectable: false,
                        selectionChanged: (part) => {
                    new go.Binding('location', 'loc', go.Point.parse),
                        portId: '',
                        fromSpot: go.Spot.RightCenter,  // coming out from right side
                        toSpot: go.Spot.LeftCenter,   // g
                        click: (e, node) => {
                            console.log('ddd', e, node)

                        $(go.Shape, 'RoundedRectangle',
                                fill: 'white',
                                minSize: new go.Size(150, 100),
                                desiredSize: new go.Size(240, 140),
                                strokeWidth: 1,
                            { cursor: 'pointer' }, // indicate that linking may start here
                            new go.Binding('fill', 'actionType', actionType => getNodeColor(actionType)),
                            new go.Binding('stroke', 'actionType', actionType => getNodeStrokeColor(actionType))

                                    maxLines: 3,
                                    overflow: go.TextBlock.OverflowEllipsis,
                                    alignment: go.Spot.Center,
                                    font: '15px Inter, sans-serif',
                                    maxSize: new go.Size(140, NaN), // Restrict the width
                                    margin: 3,
                                    cursor: "pointer",
                                { fromLinkable: false, toLinkable: false }, // don't start drawing a link from the text
                                new go.Binding('text', 'text'),
                    { // Tooltip for showing full text on hover
                        toolTip: $(go.Adornment, "Auto",
                            $(go.Shape, { fill: "#ffffff" }),
                            $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 4 },
                                new go.Binding("text", "text"))

                myDiagram.nodeTemplateMap.add('EndConditionStep', $(go.Node, "Auto",
                        selectionAdorned: false,
                        movable: false,
                        selectable: false,
                        selectionChanged: (part) => {
                    // new go.Binding('location', 'loc', go.Point.parse),
                        portId: '',
                        fromSpot: go.Spot.RightCenter,  // coming out from right side
                        toSpot: go.Spot.LeftCenter,   // g
                        click: (e, node) => {
                            console.log('ddd', e, node)

                        $(go.Shape, 'Diamond',
                                fill: 'white',
                                minSize: new go.Size(150, 100),
                                desiredSize: new go.Size(150, 100),
                                strokeWidth: 1,
                            { cursor: 'pointer' }, // indicate that linking may start here
                            new go.Binding('fill', 'actionType', actionType => getNodeColor(actionType)),
                            new go.Binding('stroke', 'actionType', actionType => getNodeStrokeColor(actionType))

                                    maxLines: 3,
                                    overflow: go.TextBlock.OverflowEllipsis,
                                    // wrap: go.TextBlock.None,
                                    alignment: go.Spot.Center,
                                    font: '15px Inter, sans-serif',
                                    maxSize: new go.Size(140, NaN), // Restrict the width
                                    margin: 3,
                                    cursor: "pointer",
                                { fromLinkable: false, toLinkable: false }, // don't start drawing a link from the text
                                new go.Binding('text', 'text'),
                    { // Tooltip for showing full text on hover
                        toolTip: $(go.Adornment, "Auto",
                            $(go.Shape, { fill: "#ffffff" }),
                            $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 4 },
                                new go.Binding("text", "text"))

                myDiagram.nodeTemplateMap.add('ConditionStep', $(go.Node, "Auto",
                        selectionAdorned: false,
                        movable: false,
                        selectable: false,
                        selectionChanged: (part) => {
                    new go.Binding('location', 'loc', go.Point.parse),
                        portId: '',
                        fromSpot: go.Spot.RightCenter,  // coming out from right side
                        toSpot: go.Spot.LeftCenter,   // g
                        click: (e, node) => {
                            console.log('ddd', e, node)
                        $(go.Shape, 'Diamond',
                                fill: 'white',
                                minSize: new go.Size(150, 100),
                                desiredSize: new go.Size(150, 100),
                                strokeWidth: 1,

                            { cursor: 'pointer' }, // indicate that linking may start here

                                    maxLines: 3,
                                    overflow: go.TextBlock.OverflowEllipsis,
                                    // wrap: go.TextBlock.None,
                                    alignment: go.Spot.Center,
                                    font: '15px Inter, sans-serif',
                                    maxSize: new go.Size(140, NaN), // Restrict the width
                                    margin: 3,
                                    cursor: "pointer",
                                { fromLinkable: false, toLinkable: false }, // don't start drawing a link from the text
                                new go.Binding('text', 'text'),
                    { // Tooltip for showing full text on hover
                        toolTip: $(go.Adornment, "Auto",
                            $(go.Shape, { fill: "#ffffff" }),
                            $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 4 },
                                new go.Binding("text", "text"))

                myDiagram.linkTemplate = $(go.Link, // the whole link panel
                        routing: go.Link.AvoidsNodes,
                        curve: go.Curve.JumpOver,
                        corner: 0,
                        fromEndSegmentLength: 30,  //** to force links to go farther around
                        toEndSegmentLength: 30
                    $(go.Shape, // the link shape
                        { strokeWidth: 1.5, stroke: '#116173' },
                        new go.Binding('stroke', 'text', (textnew) => {
                            if (textnew !== '' && textnew !== 'YES') {
                                return '#FF0404';
                            } else if (textnew === 'YES') {
                                return '#00B66A';
                            return '#116173'; // default color
                    $(go.Shape, // the arrowhead
                        { toArrow: 'Standard', stroke: 'lightblue' }

                    $(go.Panel, "Auto",
                            segmentIndex: 0, segmentOffset: new go.Point(NaN, NaN),
                            segmentOrientation: go.Orientation.Upright
                        new go.Binding("visible", "text", (textnew) => textnew == "" ? false : true).makeTwoWay(),
                        $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", // the rounded rectangle shape
                            { fill: "#E0FFF2", stroke: "#00B66A", strokeWidth: 1.5 },
                            { segmentIndex: 0 },

                            new go.Binding('stroke', 'text', (textnew) => {
                                if (textnew !== '' && textnew !== 'YES') {
                                    return '#FF0404';
                                } else if (textnew === 'YES') {
                                    return '#00B66A';
                                return '#116173'; // default color
                            new go.Binding('fill', 'text', (textnew) => {
                                if (textnew !== '' && textnew !== 'YES') {
                                    return '#FFE4E4';
                                } else if (textnew === 'YES') {
                                    return '#E0FFF2';
                                return '#116173'; // default color

                                font: '9pt Figtree, sans-serif',
                                margin: 3,
                                editable: true,
                                segmentIndex: 0,
                                segmentOrientation: go.Orientation.Upright
                            new go.Binding("text", "text").makeTwoWay()
                    new go.Binding("fromSpot", "text", (textNew) => textNew == '' ? go.Spot.Right : (textNew == "YES" ? go.Spot.Right : go.Spot.Top)).makeTwoWay(),
                    new go.Binding("toSpot", "text", (textNew) => textNew == '' ? go.Spot.Left : (textNew == "YES" ? go.Spot.Left : go.Spot.Top)).makeTwoWay()
                myDiagram.groupTemplate = // assumes SwimLaneLayout.direction === 0
                        DIRECTION === 0 || DIRECTION === 180 ? 'Horizontal' : 'Vertical',
                            layerName: 'Background', // always behind all regular nodes and links
                            movable: false, // user cannot move or copy any lanes
                            copyable: false,
                            locationObjectName: 'PLACEHOLDER', // this object will be sized and located by SwimLaneLayout
                            layout: null, // no lane lays out its member nodes
                            avoidable: false, // don't affect any AvoidsNodes link routes,
                        $(go.TextBlock, { font: 'bold 12px sans-serif', angle: DIRECTION === 0 || DIRECTION === 180 ? 270 : 0 }, new go.Binding('text', 'text')),
                            $(go.Shape, { fill: 'transparent', stroke: 'orange' }),
                            $(go.Shape, { name: 'PLACEHOLDER', fill: null, stroke: null, strokeWidth: 0, }),


            const newDataSet =
                        "key": "start_node",
                        "text": "Start",
                        "category": "start_node",
                        "group": "cp",
                        "key": "end_node",
                        "text": "End",
                        "category": "end_node",
                        "group": "hp",
                        "key": "A",
                        "text": "A",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "group": "hp",

                        "key": "D",
                        "text": "D",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "group": "a",
                        "key": "E",
                        "text": "E",
                        "category": "ConditionStep",
                        "group": "a",
                        "key": "F",
                        "text": "F",
                        "category": "ConditionStep",
                        "group": "a",
                        "key": "G",
                        "text": "G",
                        "category": "EndConditionStep",
                        "group": "a",
                        "key": "H",
                        "text": "H",
                        "category": "EndConditionStep",
                        "group": "a",
                        "key": "I",
                        "text": "I",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "group": "hp",
                        "key": "J",
                        "text": "J",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "group": "a",
                        "key": "K",
                        "text": "K",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "group": "a",
                        "key": "cp",
                        "text": "cp",
                        "category": "Lane",
                        "isGroup": true
                        "key": "a",
                        "text": "a",
                        "category": "Lane",
                        "isGroup": true
                        "key": "hp",
                        "text": "hp",
                        "category": "Lane",
                        "isGroup": true

            const newLinkData =
                        "from": "start_node",
                        "to": "A",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "H",
                        "to": "end_node",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "A",
                        "to": "J",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "J",
                        "to": "E",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "E",
                        "to": "K",
                        "text": "YES"
                        "from": "E",
                        "to": "F",
                        "text": "NO"
                        "from": "K",
                        "to": "F",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "F",
                        "to": "I",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "I",
                        "to": "G",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "G",
                        "to": "D",
                        "text": "YES"
                        "from": "D",
                        "to": "H",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "G",
                        "to": "H",
                        "text": "NO"

            // the array of link data objects: the relationships between the nodes

            function partitionBy(a) {
                // create the model and assign it to the Diagram
                var model = new go.GraphLinksModel();
                // depending on how we are partitioning the graph, each node belongs either
                // to a conference group or to a division group
                model.nodeGroupKey = a === 'c' ? 'conf' : 'group';
                model.nodeDataArray = newDataSet;
                model.linkDataArray = newLinkData;
                // each node's lane information is the same as the group information
                myDiagram.layout.laneProperty = model.nodeGroupKey;
                // optionally, specify the order of known lane names, without setting laneComparer
                //myDiagram.layout.laneNames = a === 'c' ? ['AFC', 'NFC'] : ['AFCE', 'AFCN', 'AFCS', 'AFCW', 'NFCE', 'NFCN', 'NFCS', 'NFCW'];
                myDiagram.model = model;
            window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);

        <div id="sample">
            <!-- <p><b>Beat Paths</b>: The 2007 NFL Season, divided by conference or by division</p> -->
            <div id="myDiagramDiv"
                style="border: 1px solid gray; margin: 10px; height: 100vh; position: relative; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);">
                <canvas tabindex="0" width="1226" height="698"
                    style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 2; user-select: none; touch-action: none; width: 1226px; height: 698px;"></canvas>
                <div style="position: absolute; overflow: auto; width: 1226px; height: 698px; z-index: 1;">
                    <div style="position: absolute; width: 1px; height: 1px;"></div>
            <input category="radio" name="A" onclick="partitionBy('c')" id="conferenceButton">
            <label for="conferenceButton">Conferences</label><br>
            <input category="radio" name="A" onclick="partitionBy('d')" id="divisionButton" checked="">
            <label for="divisionButton">Divisions</label><br>


And in swimlanelayout comparevertex function these changes and rest same swimlanelayout

compareVertexes(v, w) {
        let laneV = this.findLane(v);
        if (laneV === null) laneV = '';
        let laneW = this.findLane(w);
        if (laneW === null) laneW = '';
        if (laneV < laneW) return 1;
        if (laneV > laneW) return -1;

        // comment this two line if link wants from bottom to bottom connect 
        if (v.node === null && w.node !== null) return -1;
        if (v.node !== null && w.node === null) return 1;
        if (v.column < w.column) return -1;
        if (v.column > w.column) return 1;
        return 0;

I’ve been looking into this, and will continue investigating it tomorrow.

ok , sure sir

Does it help at all if you set LayeredDigraphLayout.alignOption to go.LayeredDigraphLayout.AlignAll? Or maybe to: go.LayeredDigraphLayout.AlignUpperLeft | go.LayeredDigraphLayout.AlignLowerLeft?

Can you pls apply to given code because its I think doesnot help

because my layout is swimlane

SwimLaneLayout inherits from LayeredDigraphLayout, so the property does apply.

It appears that it does not change anything.

Sir same as previous result comes not working this can you pls provide some another way

Yesterday I tried some more complicated possibilities, but they were unsatisfactory. I’ll keep trying.

Try this. First, define a subclass of SwimLaneLayout:

class CustomSwimLaneLayout extends SwimLaneLayout {
  initializeIndices() {
    const net =;
    new go.List(net.edges).each(e => {
      if (! || !e.fromVertex.node || !e.toVertex.node) net.deleteEdge(e);
  commitLayers(layerRects, offset) {
    // method override requires function, not =>
    if (layerRects.length === 0) return;
    var horiz = this.direction === 0 || this.direction === 180;
    var forwards = this.direction === 0 || this.direction === 90;

    var rect = layerRects[forwards ? layerRects.length - 1 : 0];
    var totallength = horiz ? rect.right : rect.bottom;
    if (horiz) {
      offset.y -= this.columnSpacing * 3 / 2;
    } else {
      offset.x -= this.columnSpacing * 3 / 2;
    for (var i = 0; i < this.laneNames.length; i++) {
      var lane = this.laneNames[i];
      // assume lane names do not conflict with node names
      var group = this.diagram.findNodeForKey(lane);
      if (group === null) {
        this.diagram.model.addNodeData({ key: lane, isGroup: true });
        group = this.diagram.findNodeForKey(lane);
      //** Added this shift for all lanes
      if (horiz) {
        group.location = new go.Point(-this.layerSpacing / 2, this.lanePositions.get(lane) * this.columnSpacing + offset.y);
      } else {
        group.location = new go.Point(this.lanePositions.get(lane) * this.columnSpacing + offset.x, -this.layerSpacing / 2);
      var ph = group.findObject('PLACEHOLDER'); // won't be a go.Placeholder, but just a regular Shape
      if (ph === null) ph = group;
      if (horiz) {
        ph.desiredSize = new go.Size(totallength, (this.laneBreadths.get(lane) * this.columnSpacing));
      } else {
        ph.desiredSize = new go.Size(this.laneBreadths.get(lane) * this.columnSpacing, (totallength));

Note that this moves the override from where the SwimLaneLayout is declared to the subclass.

Use this class as your Diagram.layout:

    myDiagram = new go.Diagram('myDiagramDiv', {
        allowCopy: false,
        initialContentAlignment: go.Spot.LeftCenter,
        initialAutoScale: go.Diagram.Uniform,
        layout: $(CustomSwimLaneLayout, {
            laneProperty: 'group', // needs to know how to assign vertexes/nodes into lanes/groups
            direction: DIRECTION, // Group template also depends on DIRECTION
            setsPortSpots: false,
            layerSpacing: 40,  //** should be bigger than the default value of 25
            columnSpacing: 20,  //** should be smaller than the default value of 25
            alignOption: go.LayeredDigraphLayout.AlignAll,

Note the use of CustomSwimLaneLayout. It also sets LayeredDigraphLayout.alignOption, although that is not critical.

I believe this will be effective even without the modified extensions/SwimLaneLayout.js.

 const newDataSet =
                        "key": "START",
                        "text": "Start",
                        "category": "start_node"
                        "_id": "d29f4485-00cb-4dc6-886c-86749906d06f",
                        "key": "AB",
                        "text": "AB",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "actionType": "Initiation",
                        "group": "",
                        "order": "a",
                        "optional": false
                        "_id": "d2fc2250-dadc-4399-8ad1-ac3470997f94",
                        "key": "BC",
                        "text": "Se",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "actionType": "Service",
                        "group": "",
                        "order": "b1",
                        "optional": false
                        "_id": "7508fffa-0525-47d9-b890-7597489009df",
                        "key": "CD",
                        "text": "App",
                        "category": "ConditionStep",
                        "group": "",
                        "order": "b1",
                        "_id": "13b9cdc4-202b-458c-a4a6-b68829732b50",
                        "key": "DE",
                        "text": "en",
                        "category": "EndConditionStep",
                        "group": "",
                        "order": "b1"
                        "_id": "1fd388a1-467a-496d-b318-888cc6f0374f",
                        "key": "EF",
                        "text": "In",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "actionType": "Integration",
                        "group": "",
                        "order": "b2",
                        "optional": false
                        "_id": "3129a80c-c69e-4ca2-8581-5a7f20ee6ce6",
                        "key": "FG",
                        "text": "Ed",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "actionType": "Action",
                        "group": "hiii",
                        "order": "b3",
                        "optional": false
                        "_id": "0a027e55-0392-4ab9-9f9b-ad39283b93bb",
                        "key": "GH",
                        "text": "Ass",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "actionType": "Action",
                        "group": "hiiiiii",
                        "order": "c",
                        "optional": true
                        "_id": "8af79745-481e-438c-91b3-ecefa152356b",
                        "key": "HI",
                        "text": "Country with Collective Agreements?",
                        "category": "ConditionStep",
                        "group": "hiiiiii",
                        "order": "c",
                        "_id": "9e3e7397-946b-4fd3-878f-f51a08560fea",
                        "key": "IJ",
                        "text": "end",
                        "category": "EndConditionStep",
                        "group": "hiiiiii",
                        "order": "c"
                        "_id": "415d41ab-87ae-4200-af6a-20e138933492",
                        "key": "JK",
                        "text": "Pr",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "actionType": "Action",
                        "group": "hiiiiiii",
                        "order": "d",
                        "optional": false
                        "_id": "bd10be9e-e74b-4da3-91dc-54b554eec4bd",
                        "key": "KL",
                        "text": "Ass",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "actionType": "Action",
                        "group": "hiiiiiiiii",
                        "order": "h",
                        "optional": true
                        "_id": "1d7009f1-556e-40c5-b98b-49be6d13032a",
                        "key": "LM",
                        "text": "Co",
                        "category": "ConditionStep",
                        "group": "hiiiiiiiii",
                        "order": "h",
                        "_id": "95cfd11a-73e3-49dc-9376-9ca4da4c69a9",
                        "key": "MN",
                        "text": "end",
                        "category": "EndConditionStep",
                        "group": "hiiiiiiiii",
                        "order": "h"
                        "_id": "b6ddee6f-9d57-4098-8926-9d2fb14d4b77",
                        "key": "NO",
                        "text": "Ad",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "actionType": "Action",
                        "group": "hiiiiii",
                        "order": "i",
                        "optional": true
                        "_id": "c69f0adb-57c9-4852-a6c6-cb25e6e545b9",
                        "key": "OP",
                        "text": "Ad",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "actionType": "Action",
                        "group": "hiiiiii",
                        "order": "i",
                        "optional": true
                        "_id": "195a9fca-53d7-4dd0-8010-612594fca59e",
                        "key": "PQ",
                        "text": "Onb",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "actionType": "Action",
                        "group": "hiiiiii",
                        "order": "i",
                        "optional": false
                        "_id": "5894db39-efc5-4ca4-92da-8803207c8633",
                        "key": "QR",
                        "text": "Fro",
                        "category": "ConditionStep",
                        "group": "hiiiiii",
                        "order": "i",
                        "_id": "34314f01-fb97-4f0d-bf5a-01ec879acb77",
                        "key": "RS",
                        "text": "end_F",
                        "category": "EndConditionStep",
                        "group": "hiiiiii",
                        "order": "i"
                        "_id": "2631cbdc-503d-4612-9c38-b477d4519de4",
                        "key": "ST",
                        "text": "Ser",
                        "category": "BusinessStep",
                        "actionType": "Service",
                        "group": "",
                        "order": "i",
                        "optional": true
                        "_id": "5e6779f1-6080-49d2-bdde-0c18be0e7c7f",
                        "key": "TU",
                        "text": "Is worker eligible for a Schedule Tag? (Workday Owned)",
                        "category": "ConditionStep",
                        "group": "",
                        "order": "i",
                        "_id": "00e3a8c1-51e4-4b6c-89be-3604d212bb40",
                        "key": "UV",
                        "text": "end_Is worker eligible for a Schedule Tag? (Workday Owned)",
                        "category": "EndConditionStep",
                        "group": "",
                        "order": "i"
                        "key": "",
                        "text": "",
                        "category": "Lane",
                        "isGroup": true
                        "key": "hiii",
                        "text": "hiii",
                        "category": "Lane",
                        "isGroup": true
                        "key": "hiiiiii",
                        "text": "hiiiiii",
                        "category": "Lane",
                        "isGroup": true
                        "key": "hiiiiiii",
                        "text": "hiiiiiii",
                        "category": "Lane",
                        "isGroup": true
                        "key": "hiiiiiiiii",
                        "text": "hiiiiiiiii",
                        "category": "Lane",
                        "isGroup": true
                        "key": "hiiiiiiiiii",
                        "text": "hiiiiiiiiii",
                        "category": "Lane",
                        "isGroup": true
                        "key": "hiiiiiiiiiiii",
                        "text": "hiiiiiiiiiiii",
                        "category": "Lane",
                        "isGroup": true

            const newLinkData =
                        "from": "START",
                        "to": "AB",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "AB",
                        "to": "CD",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "BC",
                        "to": "DE",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "CD",
                        "to": "BC",
                        "text": "YES"
                        "from": "CD",
                        "to": "DE",
                        "text": "NO"
                        "from": "DE",
                        "to": "EF",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "EF",
                        "to": "FG",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "FG",
                        "to": "HI",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "GH",
                        "to": "IJ",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "HI",
                        "to": "GH",
                        "text": "YES"
                        "from": "HI",
                        "to": "IJ",
                        "text": "NO"
                        "from": "IJ",
                        "to": "JK",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "JK",
                        "to": "LM",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "KL",
                        "to": "MN",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "LM",
                        "to": "KL",
                        "text": "YES"
                        "from": "LM",
                        "to": "MN",
                        "text": "NO"
                        "from": "MN",
                        "to": "NO",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "NO",
                        "to": "OP",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "OP",
                        "to": "QR",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "PQ",
                        "to": "RS",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "QR",
                        "to": "PQ",
                        "text": "YES"
                        "from": "QR",
                        "to": "RS",
                        "text": "NO"
                        "from": "RS",
                        "to": "TU",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "ST",
                        "to": "UV",
                        "text": ""
                        "from": "TU",
                        "to": "ST",
                        "text": "YES"
                        "from": "TU",
                        "to": "UV",
                        "text": "NO"

use this data and currently also facing issues


please look into this , somehow its working fine but not working fine for all pls look into this

Just using your data, I don’t see that problem:

Oh, I am also not using the modified SwimLaneLayout.js file, but the one that we provide. However, I do not think that should matter in these cases.

Here’s my version of your code:

    <script src="[email protected]"></script>
    <script src="[email protected]/extensions/SwimLaneLayout.js"></script>
    <div id="allSampleContent" class="p-4 w-full">
        <script id="code">

class CustomSwimLaneLayout extends SwimLaneLayout {
  initializeIndices() {
    const net =;
    new go.List(net.edges).each(e => {
      if (! || !e.fromVertex.node || !e.toVertex.node) net.deleteEdge(e);
  commitLayers(layerRects, offset) {
    // method override requires function, not =>
    if (layerRects.length === 0) return;
    var horiz = this.direction === 0 || this.direction === 180;
    var forwards = this.direction === 0 || this.direction === 90;

    var rect = layerRects[forwards ? layerRects.length - 1 : 0];
    var totallength = horiz ? rect.right : rect.bottom;
    if (horiz) {
      offset.y -= this.columnSpacing;
    } else {
      offset.x -= this.columnSpacing;
    for (var i = 0; i < this.laneNames.length; i++) {
      var lane = this.laneNames[i];
      // assume lane names do not conflict with node names
      var group = this.diagram.findNodeForKey(lane);
      if (group === null) {
        this.diagram.model.addNodeData({ key: lane, isGroup: true });
        group = this.diagram.findNodeForKey(lane);
      //** Added this shift for all lanes
      if (horiz) {
        group.location = new go.Point(-this.layerSpacing / 2, this.lanePositions.get(lane) * this.columnSpacing + offset.y/2);
      } else {
        group.location = new go.Point(this.lanePositions.get(lane) * this.columnSpacing + offset.x/2, -this.layerSpacing / 2);
      var ph = group.findObject('PLACEHOLDER'); // won't be a go.Placeholder, but just a regular Shape
      if (ph === null) ph = group;
      if (horiz) {
        ph.desiredSize = new go.Size(totallength, (this.laneBreadths.get(lane) * this.columnSpacing));
      } else {
        ph.desiredSize = new go.Size(this.laneBreadths.get(lane) * this.columnSpacing, (totallength));

var DIRECTION = 0; // used to customize the layout and the templates, only upon first initialization
function init() {

    var $ = go.GraphObject.make; // for conciseness in defining templates
    myDiagram = new go.Diagram('myDiagramDiv', {
        allowCopy: false,
        initialContentAlignment: go.Spot.LeftCenter,
        initialAutoScale: go.Diagram.Uniform,
        layout: $(CustomSwimLaneLayout, {
            laneProperty: 'group', // needs to know how to assign vertexes/nodes into lanes/groups
            direction: DIRECTION, // Group template also depends on DIRECTION
            setsPortSpots: false,
            layerSpacing: 40,  //** should be bigger than the default value of 25
            columnSpacing: 20,  //** should be smaller than the default value of 25
            alignOption: go.LayeredDigraphLayout.AlignAll,

Sir when you are using this in js

<script src="[email protected]/extensions/SwimLaneLayout.js"></script>

then this working fine

but in ts when


using this not working can you pls help me out

You need to download that .TS file into your own project. If you open that Url, you will see a GitHub page. You want to download