Link style on same node (toLinkableSelfNode)


I use LayeredDigraphLayout and i want to know if it’s possible to create a “stylized” link when both ports is in the same node.

My problem is that we want to use the “routing: go.Link.Normal” without curve, but the link pass over the node.

The unwanted result looks like this:

I would like to have this result (like “routing: go.Link.AvoidsNodes”)

Here my linkTemplate:

                curve: go.Link.None,
                routing: go.Link.Normal,
                fromSpot: go.Spot.Bottom,
                toSpot: go.Spot.Top,
                cursor: 'pointer',
                corner: 10,
                    isPanelMain: true,
                    strokeWidth: 4,
                    name: 'BORDER'
                new go.Binding('stroke', '', this.linkColorConverter.bind(this))
                    toArrow: 'Standard',
                    strokeWidth: 6

Thank you!

You could do something like this “LayoutCompleted” DiagramEvent listener to fix up those links. Here’s a Diagram initialization that you could try:

      "LayoutCompleted": function(e) {
            e.diagram.links.each(function(l) {
              l.routing = ((l.fromNode === l.toNode) ? go.Link.Orthogonal : go.Link.Normal);

It actually would be better to override LayeredDigraphLayout.commitLinks, but the Diagram listener is equivalent.

Now that I’ve tried this code, I see a “misfeature” in the routing that it takes. You’ll see it if you try it. I’ll see if we can improve that for version 1.7.


It seems to work, but sometimes, when the diagram is “zoomOut” (when the ports are difficult to grab with the mouse), the function .findLinkablePort() returns me a null value…

let linkingTool = this.getDiagramObject().toolManager.linkingTool;
let fromObject: Object;
let toObject: Object;
// Get the parent node of the link
if (linkingTool.findLinkablePort() && linkingTool.findLinkablePort().part) {
    fromObject = linkingTool.findLinkablePort();

Does it exist a workaround for this behavior?

Here my ports and the calls

this.makePort(‘T’, go.Spot.Top, false, true, true, true, 12),
this.makePort(‘B’, go.Spot.Bottom, true, false, true, true, 12)

protected makePort(name, spot, output, input, isVisible = true, isLinkableSelfNode = false, desiredSize = 8): any {
    let shape = go.GraphObject.make(go.Shape, 'Circle',
            fill: 'transparent',
            stroke: 'black',
            desiredSize: new go.Size(desiredSize, desiredSize),
            alignment: spot,
            alignmentFocus: spot,
            portId: name,
            fromSpot: spot,
            toSpot: spot,
            toLinkable: input,
            fromLinkable: output,
            fromLinkableSelfNode: (output && isLinkableSelfNode),
            toLinkableSelfNode: (input && isLinkableSelfNode)
        new go.Binding('cursor', '', (a, b) => a.diagram && a.diagram.isReadOnly ? '' : 'copy').ofObject());
    if (typeof isVisible === 'function') {
        shape.bind(new go.Binding('visible', '', isVisible));
    } else {
        shape.visible = isVisible;
    return shape;

Thank you and have a nice week-end!

In the function makePort, I forgot to add this in the shape decleration :
fromLinkable = output;

Thank you

Is this a completely new topic? I don’t see what LinkingTool.findLinkablePort has to do with your original question.

Anyway, LinkingTool.findLinkablePort is really a protected method of LinkingTool. So are you overriding some LinkingTool method in order to call findLinkablePort, and if so, why?

If not, you really shouldn’t be calling that method.


You are right. This is another topic. I will start a new one in our comments.
