Male should be in left and Female should be in right in genogram

Hi Walter,

Please see the below diagram.In case of deceased Male and deceased Female, female is displaying left and male is displaying right.
My requirement is Male should display at left and Female should display at right.
Please help me on this ASAP.

Coding part:

                {"key": "0", "name": "aaa","s":"FM","age":"65"},
				{"key": "1", "name": "bbb","s":"F","livh":"0","age":"64"},
				{key: 2, name: "ccc",s:"M",age:"35",m:"1",f:0,"relationText":"1=child1",srelationText:"0=closeHostile"},
				{key: 3, name: "ddd",s:"DM",age:"33",f:0,m:1,relationText:"1=child2"},// need to check this
				{key: 4, name: "eee",s:"M",age:"31",f:0,m:1,relationText:"1=child3",srelationText:"1=Living Together"},
				{key: 14, name: "fff",s:"F",age:"26",vir:2},
				{key: 15, name: "ggg",s:"F",age:"3",relationText:"2=child of ccc",f:2,m:14},
				{key: 11, name: "hhh",s:"DF",age:"26",relationText:"3=Wife of ddd",vir:3},
				{key: 12, name: "iii",s:"F",age:"3",relationText:"3=child1 of ddd",f:3,m:11},
				{key: 16, name: "kkk",s:"F",age:"26",vir:4,deathDate:"09-12-1945"},
				{key: 17, name: "lll",s:"F",age:"3",relationText:"4=child of eee",f:4,m:16},
				{key: 18, name: "mmm",s:"M",age:"3",relationText:"15=wife of ggg",ux:15},
				{key: 19, name: "nnn",s:"F",age:"3",relationText:"4=child of ggg",f:18,m:15},
			$(go.Node, "Vertical",
					{ locationSpot: go.Spot.Center, locationObjectName: "ICON"},
					$(go.Panel, "Horizontal",	 {width:180},
							$(go.Picture, {alignment:new go.Spot(0, 0, 50, 0), desiredSize: new go.Size(30, 30),width: 30, height: 30,margin:1},new go.Binding("source","group" )),
							 $(go.TextBlock, {alignment:new go.Spot(0, 0, 75, 13),margin:2},new go.Binding("text", "deathDate"))),
							$(go.Panel,     { name: "ICON" , width: 60, height: 45 },
									$(go.Panel,{  width: 60, height: 45 },
											$(go.Shape, {geometryString:"F M38 0 L40 40 0 1 1 41 0 40 0 39z ", width: 40, height: 40, strokeWidth: 2 ,fill: "white", portId: "" }),
											$(go.Shape, "Square", { width: 40, height: 40, strokeWidth: 2 ,fill: "transparent", portId: "" })

							$(go.TextBlock,{margin: 2,wrap: go.TextBlock.WrapFit, isMultiline: true,maxSize:new go.Size(90, 100)},
									new go.Binding("text", "name")),
									$(go.TextBlock, { margin: 2,wrap: go.TextBlock.WrapFit, isMultiline: true,maxSize:new go.Size(90, 100), visible: false,width: 60 },  new go.Binding("text", "occupation"),new go.Binding("visible", "occupation",
											function(t) { return !!t; })),
											$(go.TextBlock,{margin: 2,wrap: go.TextBlock.WrapFit, isMultiline: true,maxSize:new go.Size(90, 100)},new go.Binding("text", "nodeRemarks", function(t) { return "("+t+")"; }))


			$(go.Node, "Vertical",
					{ locationSpot: go.Spot.Top, locationObjectName: "ICON"},
					$(go.Panel, "Horizontal",	{width:180},
							$(go.Picture, {alignment:new go.Spot(0, 0, 55, 0), desiredSize: new go.Size(30, 30),width: 30, height: 30,margin:1},new go.Binding("source","group" )),
							 $(go.TextBlock, {alignment:new go.Spot(0, 0, 75, 13),margin:2},new go.Binding("text", "deathDate"))),
							$(go.Panel,     { name: "ICON" }, 
											$(go.Shape, {geometryString:"F M55 5 L55 5 6 15z M10 5 L10 5 60 15z" , width: 30, height: 30, strokeWidth: 2 ,fill: "white", portId: "" }),//F M33 5 L35 5 35 7 7 35 5 35 5 33z" + "F M7 5 L 5 5 5 7 33 35 35 35 35 33z" + "F M7 5 L 5 5 5 7 33 35 35 35 35 33z   	 	        			
											$(go.Shape, "Circle", { width: 45, height: 40, strokeWidth: 2 ,fill: "transparent", portId: "" })
							$(go.TextBlock,{margin: 2,wrap: go.TextBlock.WrapFit, isMultiline: true,maxSize:new go.Size(90, 100)},
									new go.Binding("text", "name")),
									$(go.TextBlock, { margin: 2,wrap: go.TextBlock.WrapFit, isMultiline: true,maxSize:new go.Size(90, 100), visible: false,width: 60},  new go.Binding("text", "occupation"),new go.Binding("visible", "occupation",
											function(t) { return !!t; })),
											$(go.TextBlock,{margin: 2,wrap: go.TextBlock.WrapFit, isMultiline: true,maxSize:new go.Size(90, 100)},new go.Binding("text", "nodeRemarks", function(t) { return "("+t+")"; }))

function GenogramLayout() {;
	this.initializeOption = go.LayeredDigraphLayout.InitDepthFirstIn;
	this.spouseSpacing = 160;  

go.Diagram.inherit(GenogramLayout, go.LayeredDigraphLayout);
GenogramLayout.prototype.makeNetwork = function(coll) {
	var net = this.createNetwork();  // net = LayoutNetwork
	if (coll instanceof go.Diagram) {
		this.add(net, coll.nodes, true);
		this.add(net, coll.links, true);
	} else if (coll instanceof go.Group) {
		this.add(net, coll.memberParts, false);
	} else if (coll.iterator) {
		this.add(net, coll.iterator, false);
	return net;
GenogramLayout.prototype.add = function(net, coll, nonmemberonly) {
	var multiSpousePeople = new go.Set();

	var it = coll.iterator;

	while ( {
		var node = it.value; 

		if (!(node instanceof go.Node)) continue;
		if (!node.isLayoutPositioned || !node.isVisible()) continue;
		if (nonmemberonly && node.containingGroup !== null) continue;
		if (node.isLinkLabel) {
			// get marriage Link
			var link = node.labeledLink;
			var spouseA = link.fromNode;
			var spouseB = link.toNode;
			// create vertex representing both husband and wife
			var vertex = net.addNode(node);

			// now define the vertex size to be big enough to hold both spouses
			vertex.width = spouseA.actualBounds.width + this.spouseSpacing + spouseB.actualBounds.width;
			vertex.height = Math.max(spouseA.actualBounds.height, spouseB.actualBounds.height);
			vertex.focus = new go.Point(spouseA.actualBounds.width + this.spouseSpacing / 2, vertex.height / 2);
		} else {
			// don't add a vertex for any married person!
			// instead, code above adds label node for marriage link
			// assume a marriage Link has a label Node
			var marriages = 0;
			node.linksConnected.each(function(l) { if (l.isLabeledLink) marriages++; });
			if (marriages === 0) {
				var vertex = net.addNode(node);
			} else if (marriages > 1) {
	// now do all Links
	while ( {
		var link = it.value;
		if (!(link instanceof go.Link)) continue;
		if (!link.isLayoutPositioned || !link.isVisible()) continue;
		if (nonmemberonly && link.containingGroup !== null) continue;
		// if it's a parent-child link, add a LayoutEdge for it
		if (!link.isLabeledLink) {
			var parent = net.findVertex(link.fromNode);  // should be a label node
			var child = net.findVertex(link.toNode);
			if (child !== null) {  // an unmarried child
				net.linkVertexes(parent, child, link);
			} else {  // a married child
				link.toNode.linksConnected.each(function(l) {
					if (!l.isLabeledLink) return;  // if it has no label node, it's a parent-child link
					// found the Marriage Link, now get its label Node
					var mlab = l.labelNodes.first();
					// parent-child link should connect with the label node,
					// so the LayoutEdge should connect with the LayoutVertex representing the label node
					var mlabvert = net.findVertex(mlab);
					if (mlabvert !== null) {
						net.linkVertexes(parent, mlabvert, link);
	while (multiSpousePeople.count > 0) {
		// find all collections of people that are indirectly married to each other
		var node = multiSpousePeople.first();
		var cohort = new go.Set();
		this.extendCohort(cohort, node);
		// then encourage them all to be the same generation by connecting them all with a common vertex
		var dummyvert = net.createVertex();
		var marriages = new go.Set();
		cohort.each(function(n) {
			n.linksConnected.each(function(l) {
		marriages.each(function(link) {
			// find the vertex for the marriage link (i.e. for the label node)
			var mlab = link.labelNodes.first()
			var v = net.findVertex(mlab);
			if (v !== null) {
				net.linkVertexes(dummyvert, v, null);
		// done with these people, now see if there are any other multiple-married people

// collect all of the people indirectly married with a person

GenogramLayout.prototype.extendCohort = function(coll, node) {
	if (coll.contains(node)) return;
	var lay = this;
	node.linksConnected.each(function(l) {
		if (l.isLabeledLink) {  // if it's a marriage link, continue with both spouses
			lay.extendCohort(coll, l.fromNode);
			lay.extendCohort(coll, l.toNode);
/** @override */
//predefined prototype  in go.js
GenogramLayout.prototype.assignLayers = function() {;
	var horiz = this.direction == 0.0 || this.direction == 180.0;
	// for every vertex, record the maximum vertex width or height for the vertex's layer
	var maxsizes = []; {
		var lay = v.layer;
		var max = maxsizes[lay];
		if (max === undefined) max = 0;
		var sz = (horiz ? v.width : v.height);
		if (sz > max) maxsizes[lay] = sz;
	// now make sure every vertex has the maximum width or height according to which layer it is in,
	// and aligned on the left (if horizontal) or the top (if vertical) {
		var lay = v.layer;
		var max = maxsizes[lay];
		if (horiz) {
			v.focus = new go.Point(0, v.height / 2);
			v.width = max;
		} else {
			v.focus = new go.Point(v.width / 2, 0);
			v.height = max;
	// from now on, the LayeredDigraphLayout will think that the Node is bigger than it really is
	// (other than the ones that are the widest or tallest in their respective layer).
/** @override */
GenogramLayout.prototype.commitNodes = function() {;
	// position regular nodes {
		if (v.node !== null && !v.node.isLinkLabel) {
			v.node.position = new go.Point(v.x, v.y);
	// position the spouses of each marriage vertex
	var layout = this; {
		if (v.node === null) return;
		if (!v.node.isLinkLabel) return;
		var labnode = v.node;
		var lablink = labnode.labeledLink;
		// In case the spouses are not actually moved, we need to have the marriage link
		// position the label node, because LayoutVertex.commit() was called above on these vertexes.
		// Alternatively we could override LayoutVetex.commit to be a no-op for label node vertexes.
		var spouseA = lablink.fromNode;
        var spouseB = lablink.toNode;
        // prefer fathers on the left, mothers on the right
        if ( === "F") {
          var temp = spouseA;
          spouseA = spouseB;
          spouseB = temp;
        // see if the parents are on the desired sides, to avoid a link crossing
        var aParentsNode = layout.findParentsMarriageLabelNode(spouseA);
        var bParentsNode = layout.findParentsMarriageLabelNode(spouseB);
        if (aParentsNode !== null && bParentsNode !== null &&
            aParentsNode.position.x > bParentsNode.position.x) {
          // swap the spouses
          var temp = spouseA;
          spouseA = spouseB;
          spouseB = temp;
        spouseA.position = new go.Point(v.x, v.y);
        spouseB.position = new go.Point(v.x + spouseA.actualBounds.width + 30, v.y);
		// to increase
		 //spouseB.position = new go.Point(v.x+spouseA.actualBounds.width + 30, v.y);
		if (spouseA.opacity === 0) {
			var pos = new go.Point(v.centerX - spouseA.actualBounds.width / 2, v.y);
			spouseA.position = pos;
			spouseB.position = pos;
		} else if (spouseB.opacity === 0) {
			var pos = new go.Point(v.centerX - spouseB.actualBounds.width / 2, v.y);
			spouseA.position = pos;
			spouseB.position = pos;
	// position only-child nodes to be under the marriage label node {
		if (v.node === null || v.node.linksConnected.count > 1) return;
		var mnode = layout.findParentsMarriageLabelNode(v.node);
		if (mnode !== null && mnode.linksConnected.count === 1) {  // if only one child
			var mvert =;
			var newbnds = v.node.actualBounds.copy();
			newbnds.x = mvert.centerX - v.node.actualBounds.width / 2;
			// see if there's any empty space at the horizontal mid-point in that layer
			var overlaps = layout.diagram.findObjectsIn(newbnds, function(x) { return x.part; }, function(p) { return p !== v.node; }, true);
			if (overlaps.count === 0) {
GenogramLayout.prototype.findParentsMarriageLabelNode = function(node) {
	var it = node.findNodesInto();
	while ( {
		var n = it.value;
		if (n.isLinkLabel) return n;
	return null;

GenogramLayout.prototype.updateVertexWidthForSimblings = function(node, vertex) {    
	var nodesCount = this.countNodesInTheSameRow(node);
	vertex.width = 30 * nodesCount;


Hi Walter,

I solved this by adding one line:

var spouseA = lablink.fromNode;
        var spouseB = lablink.toNode;
        // prefer fathers on the left, mothers on the right
        if ( === "F" || === "DF") {
          var temp = spouseA;
          spouseA = spouseB;
          spouseB = temp;
        // see if the parents are on the desired sides, to avoid a link crossing
        var aParentsNode = layout.findParentsMarriageLabelNode(spouseA);
        var bParentsNode = layout.findParentsMarriageLabelNode(spouseB);
        if (aParentsNode !== null && bParentsNode !== null &&
            aParentsNode.position.x > bParentsNode.position.x) {
          // swap the spouses
          var temp = spouseA;
          spouseA = spouseB;
          spouseB = temp;
        spouseA.position = new go.Point(v.x, v.y);
        spouseB.position = new go.Point(v.x + spouseA.actualBounds.width + 30, v.y);
