Model Binding for Graduated Panel Part Properties


We are using a graduated panel to render a scale. And we want to bind the value of graduatedMin, graduatedMax to outside values.

This is the config we have currently.

    const model = goMake(go.Model);
    model.setDataProperty(model.modelData, 'min', 5);
    const diagram = goMake(go.Diagram, {
        go.Panel.Graduated, // or "Graduated"
        new go.Binding('graduatedMin', 'min').ofModel(),
        goMake(go.Shape, { geometryString: 'M0 0 H400' }), // the main shape, a horizontal line
        goMake(go.Shape, { geometryString: 'M0 0 V10' }), // a tick mark, a vertical line
        goMake(go.TextBlock, { interval: 1 })
    diagram.div = divRef.current;
    console.log(diagram.model.modelData); // { min: 5 }

After this config; we are still seeing the scale start from 1.

Data binding only works for Parts that were created from the Model. Not for random Parts that you create and then call Diagram.add.

Here’s your code in a template:

myDiagram.nodeTemplate =
  $(go.Node, "Vertical",
      new go.Binding("text")),
    $(go.Panel, "Graduated",
      new go.Binding('graduatedMin', 'min').ofModel(),
      $(go.Shape, { geometryString: 'M0 0 H400' }), // the main shape, a horizontal line
      $(go.Shape, { geometryString: 'M0 0 V10' }), // a tick mark, a vertical line
      $(go.TextBlock, { interval: 1, alignmentFocus: go.Spot.Bottom })

But I did set the TextBlock.alignmentFocus so that the text wouldn’t overlap with the tick marks.

Some model data:

myDiagram.model =
      modelData: { min: 10 },
      nodeDataArray: [ { key: 1, text: "Alpha" } ]

This produces:
which correctly reflects the initial value for modelData.min.

Here’s modifying the Model.modelData property;

  function test() {
    myDiagram.model.commit(m => m.set(m.modelData, "min", m.modelData.min + 10));

Call test() a couple times, and as expected you get: