Multi-View synchronized (scroll)


I'm using 2 views on the same document. On 1 axis, it gives an external scroller to drive them synchronously. But when Scrolling, only one view is following (when big document and big view on screen - with fast scrolling). When stopping or moving slowly, it works perfectly.
I set the DocPosition in the event OnScroll of the scroller.
Any idea to really synchronize the views ? (my computer is recent, so normally performance is here).
As far as I can understand, the windows messages (scroll) are probbaly stacked and processed by one view before the other ... Not reaal a GoDiagram issue, but the scroll should be fast ?
An other is probably to grey out the content when scrolling is too fast ...
Any way to fit up the scroll ? (e.g. only objects, removing grid ...)
Thanks for any hint

Mmmm, I test with hiding the grid (Visible false), and it is much faster (stiil a light delay, but fast acceptable.

Any other hints still welcome.

Well, you could force the other view to be redrawn more frequently by calling Control.Update. But note that this may actually result in more drawing, overall, thereby slowing down scrolling speed. However, you may find that worthwhile, in order to keep the two Controls in synch.


Thanks you very much, your hint is exactly what I needed. And howewer it scrolls perfectly and synchronized (it gives some flicking, but it is not so a problem).