Need more insight on a11y / accessibility

Hi Team, we are looking for a11y in our application. We got to know GoJS 3.x providing accessibility support. I need help with that.

  1. Where to start? After upgrading to 3.x, what changes must we make in our diagram setup?
  2. Which version of WCAG is supported?


I assume you meant upgrading to GoJS version 3, from a previous version.

The WCAG guidelines are meant for developers like you to make web pages/apps more perceivable, operable, understandable and robust.

That is not something that any diagramming component can provide out-of-the-box because implementing those guidelines should be different for each app. Only you know what it is that your diagram is really showing and how it should really be used.

So the Accessibility sample is just an example of the start of accessibility support. Your app will need custom behaviors to best help users understand and use your diagram, depending on the semantic relationships that the diagram presents and the information provided by the nodes and links and groups.

Hi, @walter We are looking to explore a11y for loops nodes, links & interactive elements(context menu). Does gojs(v3.x) a11y supports by default navigations for those?

No – again, what you would want to do would depend on the semantics of your diagram/graph.

Okay. But we have a usecase where we must navigate to inner html/node/interactive elements. As shown in the picture below, if we add a11y, we can navigate between the nodes(which is highlighted in the picture’s last row) but our usecase is to navigate within the node ex: to email, phone which are interactive elements in a node. How can we achieve this using gojs a11y?

You would need to write custom code to do it. Probably you don’t want to iterate over the Node’s GraphObjects themselves, but use the Node data in some meaningful way.

As a basic example, maybe you want to output information about the node somehow when a user presses a key like ‘x’:

        myDiagram.commandHandler.doKeyDown = function () {
          // method override must be function, not =>
          const diagram = this.diagram;
          const e = diagram.lastInput;
          const k = e.commandKey;
          if (k === 'x' && diagram.selection.count !== 0) {
            // do something with the node data
            const data = diagram.selection.first().data;
            console.log(`the Node's key is ${data.key}`);
            console.log(`the Node's color is ${data.color}`);
            // or any other
          } else {

This is close to what the Accessibility sample does, except that sample describes surrounding nodes instead of the node itself. But there’s no reason you cannot modify it or add to it to describe the node itself. (Note this sample also uses the letter x for something already)

In the case of the org chart sample, you’d want to look at, data.dept etc. These (whichever are relevant) are specific to your app.

@simon Do these code changes need v3.x upgradation? or can we do it with v2.x itself?

These particular customizations can be done with 2.3.x versions, at least.

Okay. What will we get in terms of a11y if we upgrade to 3.x? Currently, we have customized accessibility but we are facing focus issues. Undo/Redo/Delete is not working as the focus is shifting from diagram to node.

It’s difficult to know precisely what changes will be in your app, there are a number of new features which may or may not be relevant to you. From our point of view its always good to update to the latest major version so that if you do encounter a bug, we can fix it (or at least be sure it hasn’t already been fixed).

In terms of a11y we may have made minor changes to the library in order to create our accessibility sample, but I cannot recall any. So you probably don’t need to update.

You may want to review all changes:

Okay. Currently, we are implementing a11y using hidden buttons & navigating accordingly. Due to the hidden button, the focus is shifting from the diagram/canvas to the hidden buttons. Can we get rid of the usage of hidden buttons & use **myDiagram.commandHandler.doKeyDown = function () {
// method override must be function, not => ** to implement custom a11y @simon ??

Could you please describe more precisely and thoroughly exactly what functionality you want to implement in your app in order to replace the use of the mouse/finger? It would help a lot if you provided screenshots showing before and after for each input event.

We are looking for a11y for group nodes & interactive elements.
As shown below, the image:

  1. We have a Context menu toggle icon that needs to be accessible through keyboard navigation & once we open the context menu it lists down a few actions that also need to be accessible.
  2. We created a Node with + in between links which also need accessible.
  3. We have multiple nested group nodes which need keyboard navigation.

Can we achieve this using an a11y extension ?? At least by overriding the existing functionality provided as part of AriaCommandHandler ?

Yes, I believe so. But it isn’t clear to me exactly what keyboard commands you would want to implement, nor what kind of highlighting you want to do. That’s why I was asking for a more detailed description of the keyboard input events.

But the general answer is “yes”, by implementing various keyboard commands whose behavior is dependent on the current state of the navigation and of the diagram.

@walter We want Arrow Keys for our scenario & we are looking for navigating groups, nested nodes & and interactive elements i.e. ContextMenu.

  1. As I understand, we can’t achieve this directly by using the A11Y extension, right?
  2. If we want to override keydown in this scenario we completely neglecting OR not able to use the A11Y extension functionality right?

I recommend copying the extension into your own project and modifying it to suit your needs, as we recommend for any of the extensions which one might use that need customization.

Thanks for the confirmation @walter

We have a few questions on how A11Y works with the extension:

  • In the attached video we tried accessibility with a sample diagram:


  1. How does a11y navigate through nodes? Any specific algorithm i.e. breadth-first search? - I learned that it’s traversing based on nearby nodes. is that correct?
  2. In the attached video: If I start navigating for the first arrow-down it’s going to the right node(Epsilon) any reason?
  3. Once we enter into the group node it goes to ETA Nodes & later comes back to Zeta Node. It should first navigate to group node Zeta & then into ETA right?
  4. At 00:55 sec in the video - The group node seems near the Delta Node but it is going to Theta2 Node which is far any thing I am missing here? I just want to know how it’s accessible.
    Screen Recording 2025-01-22 at 1.06.58 PM (1)

One more question. How can I iterate through a GraphObject/Interactive Elements?

As shown in the below image if I gave findSubGraphParts() on the Group node it’s giving me only nodes & links but not any GraphObject/Interactive elements(In our image its expand/collapse icon)

Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 3.40.09 PM

First, please understand that “accessibility” isn’t an entity with agency. It’s a characteristic of an app, not something that does something.

Second, I hope you see now why the concept of accessibility must be tailored for each specific app. The code that we supply cannot know which node you want users to start from, nor which nodes you want users to go to next, nor which non-Node & non-Link (i.e. non-Part) objects to be able to navigate to.

There might be any number of buttons in your Node (or in your Link!), but we can’t know what you want to be able to navigate to and in what order and under what circumstances. In your case, when the user is focusing on the “Zeta” Group, which command should change focus to the “Eta” Node, which command should change focus to the “SubGraphExpanderButton”, which command should change focus to which Node that follows “Zeta”? And might users want to focus on the Links?

So use the Accessibility sample just as a framework for defining the behavior that you want in order to support accessibility for your users. I recommend that you either accept or reject each bit of functionality that it offers.

Hi @walter @simon

We have a scenario where we must implement custom a11y for our diagram. We do have a snippet to navigate via links & nodes. However, we need to extend it further for interactive elements/graph objects that are part of a Node. Once we reach the interactive graph object we need to open a context menu kind of model & further traverse.

What we are doing in the below code is once the user presses the arrow down/up we are navigating from each node & link recursively (further in a Node we have interactive elements data which is used to find the graph object using findObject() ) adding it to wcagEntities array & doing necessary changes for navigating to each part.


  1.; which will not work for graph objects / interactive elements so we have to use custom logic to focus it or click it in our code. But, once we moved into Context Menu which is a Graph Object in our example. We are not able to further traverse.

Here is the diagram screen:

Can you help further on how to proceed ??

import triggerMouseEnter from 'src/utils/trigger-mouse-enter';
import triggerClick from 'src/utils/trigger-click';

function getListOfPartsForKeyboardNavigation(diagram) {
	// Start with root nodes - those who do not have parents
	let startNodes = diagram.findTreeRoots();

	// If startNodes is empty, it's a cycle. Grab the first visible node.
	if (startNodes.count === 0) {
		const firstNode = diagram.nodes.filter(node => node.isVisible()).first();

		if (firstNode)
			startNodes = new go.List().add(firstNode).iterator;

	/** @type {go.Part[]} */
	const result = [];

	/** @param {go.Node} node */
	const traverseGraphForWcag = (node) => {
		if (result.includes(node))
		result.push(node);[0] ? result.push(node.diagram.findNodeForKey([0]?.name)) : "";

		/** @type {go.List<go.Node>} */
		const nodesToTraverseFurther = new go.List();

		node.findLinksOutOf().each((link) => {
			if (link.isVisible() && link.toNode) {
				if (result.includes(link))
 ? result.push(link.diagram.findPartForKey(formLinkKey([0].name)) : "";


	return result;

export class CustomGraphKeyboardHandler extends go.CommandHandler {
	constructor() {

	 * This implements custom behaviors for arrow key keyboard events.
	doKeyDown() {
		const diagram = this.diagram;
		const e = diagram.lastInput;

		// Determine the function of the arrow keys
		if (e.key === 'Up' || e.key === 'Down' || e.key === 'Left' || e.key === 'Right') {
			const wcagEntities = getListOfPartsForKeyboardNavigation(diagram);
			const selectedPart = diagram.selection.first();
			const selectedIndex = selectedPart ? wcagEntities.indexOf(selectedPart) : -1;
			let nextIndex = selectedIndex;

			if (e.key === 'Down' || e.key === 'Right') {
				if (nextIndex >= wcagEntities.length)
					nextIndex = 0;

			if (e.key === 'Up' || e.key === 'Left') {
				if (nextIndex < 0)
					nextIndex = wcagEntities.length - 1;

			const nextEntitySelect = wcagEntities[nextIndex];


			e.handled = true;


		// Handle ENTER and SPACE key
		if (e.key === '\r' || e.key === ' ') {
			const selectedPart = diagram.selection.first();

			if (selectedPart && {, selectedPart);
				e.handled = true;

		// Otherwise still perform all standard commands

It’s hard for us to give good advice when we do not know all of the goals and constraints that you have for the functionality that you want to users to access.

For each GraphObject that you might want the user to focus on, imagine all of the information that you want to show and all of the next steps that they could take.

You’ll want there to be an abstract notion of focus that indicates which GraphObject has the “focus” and provides the information to be communicated and which commands apply for further navigation or actions. The GraphObject might be a Part (such as a Node or a Link or an Adornment), or it could be a GraphObject within such a Part (such as a “Button” or other GraphObject acting as a control of some sort).

Of course only you know what information to provide about each object of focus, and only you know what all of the commands might apply to that focus object – which navigation commands and which action commands.

For any focus object, including Parts, there could be or doubleClick event handlers that you could invoke, as well as maybe showing its contextMenu or toolTip.

For any Node, there are a bunch of properties and methods that you can use to determine its relationship with connected Links and connected Nodes.

If you app is tree-structured, there are various properties and methods on the Node class to deal with trees.

If your app has Groups, you can find a Group’s contained Nodes and Links via the Group.memberParts property. And for any Part, use its Part.containingGroup to find what it’s a member of, if anything.

For any Link, there are a bunch of properties and methods that you can use to determine its relationship with Nodes. That includes Link.fromNode and toNode, but also fromPort and toPort if node might have more than one port per node.

I don’t know if this applies to your app, but a Link can also contain Nodes, Link.labelNodes, for attaching Links to Links. Your app probably does not use this feature.

Adornments are Parts, so a context menu or a tooltip (if implemented in GoJS rather than in HTML), or any GraphObject within it, would also be a valid focus object.