Are there any features you would like to see in GoDiagram that it can’t do, or that it can’t do easily, or that it can do easily but you would prefer be the default or implemented by setting some property?
Or are there any related products you would like to see?
I think it would be nice to have more algorithms included in autolayout.
- Easy repositioning of the label on a labeled link.
- A way to specify automatic separation of congruent links between the same two nodes, that is, GoDiagram should detect congruent links and make them non-congruent according to some method chosen by user, whether by adjusting curviness, inserting extra joints, or whatever.
Any particular ones?
Is the LinkLabel class used in the Processor sample what you mean?
Yes, this is on the list of things to do. The StateCharter sample does do this for Bezier links by adjusting the Curviness property automatically.
Are there any features you would like to see in GoDiagram that it can’t do, or that it can’t do easily, or that it can do easily but you would prefer be the default or implemented by setting some property?
Not really a feature…
It would be useful to have some stress test in the demo. For example, playing with Demo1, I added a menu item creating 200 random GoBasicNodes connected by 200 random GoLinks.
I was thinking more along the lines of setting a Draggable property on the label, as opposed to requiring each user to memorize sample code and re-implement the feature.
If possible, I would like the GoDocument.FindNode and GoDocument.FindLink functions to search GoGroups and GoSubgraphs for the specified Link or Node.
From the 2.2.2 release notes:
· added virtual overload of GoDocument.FindNode taking boolean "insidesubgraph" parameter, now called by other overloads of FindNode
(There isn't any FindLink method.)
Layout with a ‘Peacock display’ would be good - Analyst Notebook does this style of layout.
Also being able to drag the selection area so that is scrolls the display once you reach the edge of the diagram’s viewable area would be good.
Also being able to drag the selection area so that is scrolls the display once you reach the edge of the diagram’s viewable area would be good.
From the 2.2.2 release notes:
· added GoToolRubberBanding.AutoScrolling property<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />