I am looking to upgrade to the latest version of GoJS to take advantage of AvoidLinks router. We are currently on 2.3.9 and looking to upgrade to 3.0.8. After doing so, I realized that several unexpected bugs were introduced. I am not sure if the fix comes from my end or from the library. I’ll break them down into separate posts.
In my application, we have a modified version of the NonRealtimeDragging extension. I had fine tuned it with Walter’s help earlier this year for our specific use case. After upgrading, it seems that on the first drag of any node, there is no image drawn on the canvas. The drag still occurs after mouse up but the user wouldn’t know that the drag was working. After the initial drag of the node, it then works as expected until you then attempt to drag a different node. This can actually be replicated with the extension and sample itself.
This is due to a change in how we handle Picture.element. We no longer attach events to user-provided HTMLImageElements, so if the img isn’t complete before adding to the diagram, it will not appear.
I recommend using the following code in the NonRealtimeDragging extension:
// in computeEffectiveCollection
this._imagePart = new go.Part({
layerName: 'Tool', opacity: 0.5,
locationSpot: new go.Spot(0, 0, offset.x, offset.y)
.add(new go.Picture({ source: this.diagram.makeImageData({ parts: map.toKeySet() }) as string }));
Yes, it’s working. I tried moving the file to the site temporarily.
Here’s the full source:
* Copyright (C) 1998-2024 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library.
* Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases.
* If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory.
* Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders.
* See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information.
import * as go from 'gojs';
* The NonRealtimeDraggingTool class lets the user drag an image instead of actually moving any selected nodes,
* until the mouse-up event.
* If you want to experiment with this extension, try the <a href="../../samples/NonRealtimeDragging.html">Non Realtime Dragging</a> sample.
* @category Tool Extension
export class NonRealtimeDraggingTool extends go.DraggingTool {
private _duration: number; // duration of movement animation; <= 0 to disable
private _imagePart: go.Part | null; // a Part holding a translucent image of what would be dragged
private _ghostDraggedParts: go.Map<go.Part, go.DraggingInfo> | null; // a Map of the _imagePart and its dragging information
private _originalDraggedParts: go.Map<go.Part, go.DraggingInfo> | null; // the saved normal value of DraggingTool.draggedParts
constructor(init?: Partial<NonRealtimeDraggingTool>) {
this._duration = 0;
this._imagePart = null;
this._ghostDraggedParts = null;
this._originalDraggedParts = null;
if (init) Object.assign(this, init);
* Gets or sets how long the movement animation should be to move the actual parts upon a mouse-up.
* The default value is zero -- there is no animation of the movement.
get duration(): number {
return this._duration;
set duration(val: number) {
this._duration = val;
* Call the base method, and then make an image of the returned collection,
* show it using a Picture, and hold the Picture in a temporary Part, as _imagePart.
* @param parts - A {@link go.Set} or {@link go.List} of {@link go.Part}s.
override computeEffectiveCollection(
coll: go.Iterable<go.Part>
): go.Map<go.Part, go.DraggingInfo> {
const map = super.computeEffectiveCollection(coll, this.dragOptions);
if (this.isActive && this._imagePart === null) {
const bounds = this.diagram.computePartsBounds(map.toKeySet());
const offset = this.diagram.lastInput.documentPoint.copy().subtract(bounds.position);
this._imagePart = new go.Part(
{ layerName: 'Tool', opacity: 0.5, locationSpot: new go.Spot(0, 0, offset.x, offset.y) })
new go.Picture({ source: this.diagram.makeImageData({ parts: map.toKeySet() }) as string })
return map;
* When activated, replace the {@link draggedParts} with the ghost dragged parts, which
* consists of just one Part, the image, added to the Diagram at the current mouse point.
override doActivate(): void {
if (this._imagePart !== null) {
this._imagePart.location = this.diagram.lastInput.documentPoint;
this._originalDraggedParts = this.draggedParts;
this._ghostDraggedParts = super.computeEffectiveCollection(
new go.List<go.Part>().add(this._imagePart),
this.draggedParts = this._ghostDraggedParts;
* When deactivated, make sure any image is removed from the Diagram and all references are cleared out.
override doDeactivate(): void {
if (this._imagePart !== null) {
this._imagePart = null;
this._ghostDraggedParts = null;
this._originalDraggedParts = null;
* Do the normal mouse-up behavior, but only after restoring {@link draggedParts}.
override doMouseUp(): void {
const partsmap = this._originalDraggedParts;
if (partsmap !== null) {
this.draggedParts = partsmap;
if (partsmap !== null && this.duration > 0) {
const anim = new go.Animation();
anim.duration = this.duration;
partsmap.each((kvp) => {
const part = kvp.key;
anim.add(part, 'location', kvp.value.point, part.location);
* If the user changes to "copying" mode by holding down the Control key,
* return to the regular behavior and remove the image.
override doKeyDown(): void {
if (
this._imagePart !== null &&
this._originalDraggedParts !== null &&
(this.diagram.lastInput.control || this.diagram.lastInput.meta) &&
) {
this.draggedParts = this._originalDraggedParts;
* If the user changes back to "moving" mode,
* show the image again and go back to dragging the ghost dragged parts.
override doKeyUp(): void {
if (this._imagePart !== null && this._ghostDraggedParts !== null && this.mayMove()) {
this._imagePart.location = this.diagram.lastInput.documentPoint;
this.draggedParts = this._ghostDraggedParts;
Ahhhhhh perfect. It does work on my end now, I only had changed the prop element to source. I didn’t realize you also had changed makeImage to makeImageData, very subtle hahaha. Thank you very much!