Not able to load large amount of data using LayeredDigraphLayout

I am using LayeredDigraphLayout for building my graph
with linkDataArray count 1274 and nodeDataArray count 227 it’s taking too much time to load, please let me know any other way to load the data as per my requirement the data of link and node data will be increate up to 2000 links and 1000 nodes

$(go.Diagram, "myDiagramDiv", {

                initialAutoScale: go.Diagram.UniformToFill,
                hasVerticalScrollbar :false,
                hasHorizontalScrollbar :false,
                layout: $(go.LayeredDigraphLayout,
                        direction: 90,
                        layerSpacing: 30,
                        columnSpacing: 30,
                        layeringOption: go.LayeredDigraphLayout.LayerLongestPathSource,
                        isOngoing: false,
                        setsPortSpots: false

    myDiagram.toolManager.dragSelectingTool.isEnabled = false;


myDiagram.nodeTemplate =
        $(go.Node, "Spot",
                locationSpot: go.Spot.Top,
                isShadowed: true, shadowBlur: 1,
                shadowOffset: new go.Point(0, 1),
                shadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, .14)",
                locationObjectName: "BODY"
            new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Point.stringify),
            $(go.Panel, "Auto",
                { name: "BODY" },
                $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", roundedRectangleParams,
                        name: "SHAPE", fill: "#ffffff", strokeWidth: 2,
                        stroke: null,
                        cursor: "pointer",
                        font: "bold small-caps 11pt helvetica, bold arial, sans-serif",
                        stroke: "rgba(0, 0, 0, .87)",
                        margin: new go.Margin(3, 3 + 11, 3, 13 + 4), alignment: go.Spot.Right
                    new go.Binding("text").makeTwoWay())
            // output port
            $(go.Panel, "Auto",
                { alignment: go.Spot.Left },
                $(go.Shape, "Circle",
                    { name: "nodeCircle", width: 25, height: 25, fill: "white", stroke: "dodgerblue", strokeWidth: 3 }),
                    { font: "small-caps 10pt helvetica, bold arial, sans-serif", margin: 7, stroke: "rgba(0, 0, 0, .87)", },
                    new go.Binding("text", "nodeWeight").makeTwoWay())


myDiagram.linkTemplate =
        $(go.Link,  // the whole link panel
                curve: go.Link.Bezier,
                adjusting: go.Link.Stretch,
            $(go.Shape,  // the link shape
                 //{ isPanelMain: true, stroke: "transparent" },
                // new go.Binding("stroke", "patt", function (f) { return (f === "") ? "black" : "transparent"; }),
                // new go.Binding("pathPattern", "linkInfo",  convertPathPatternToShape),

                new go.Binding("stroke", "isHighlighted", function (h) {

                    return h ? "red" : "lightblue";//transparent


                new go.Binding('stroke', 'lightblue').ofObject(),

                // new go.Binding('strokeWidth', 'linkInfo', function (linkData) {

                //     return linkData.linkWeight;

                // }),


            $(go.Shape,  // the arrowhead
                    toArrow: 'Standard',
                    fill: 'black',
                    stroke: 'black'
                new go.Binding('strokeWidth', 'linkInfo', function (linkData) {
                    return linkData.linkWeight;
            $(go.Panel, "Auto",
                $(go.Shape,  // the label background, which becomes transparent around the edges
                        fill: $(go.Brush, "Radial",
                            { 0: "rgb(245, 245, 245)", 0.7: "rgb(245, 245, 245)", 1: "rgba(245, 245, 245, 0)" }),
                        stroke: null
                $(go.TextBlock, "transition",  // the label text
                       textAlign: "center",
                        font: "9pt helvetica, arial, sans-serif",
                       margin: 4,
                   new go.Binding("text").makeTwoWay())

Yes, that’s definitely a problem with LayeredDigraphLayout, as you can see by substituting with TreeLayout. But there might be a way to use LayeredDigraphLayout with different properties or method overrides. Do you have a JSON-formatted model that you can share with us via email?

Yes sure Walter can you provide me the email id on which i can share my JSON model

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