Hi there,
I have overrriden the OnDragLeave method as follows so as to have my custom collection to be passed into the DragDrop method.
if ( this.Selection != null )
//Add code to filter out single node selection
if ((this.Selection.Count == 1) && (this.Selection.Primary is INode))
DoDragDrop(new FMCollection(m_ExData.NetworkID, this.Selection), DragDropEffects.Copy | DragDropEffects.Move );
However, if i drag-out & drag-in a particular object frequently form the GoView form , i get an UnHandled stack overflow exception after which the application simply exits. I am not able to reproduce the same if the operation of Drag-out & Drag-in is carried out at a slow pace. Why is this happening. Is there any way by which the local stack can be cleared after making the call to OnDragLeave?
Thanking you in anticipation of an early reply,
Best Regards,