Order SelectedParts in a DragSelectingTool

I have a CustomDragSelectingTool.
Now I want that, if I make a boxselect, the selected parts are in a special order based on a property in the node.
Is there a way to do this?

Here’s the definition of DragSelectingTool.SelectInRect:

    public virtual void SelectInRect(Rect r) {
      Diagram diagram = this.Diagram;
      if (diagram == null) return;
      // choose the selectable Parts within the rectangle
      HashSet<Part> parts = new HashSet<Part>(diagram.Panel.FindPartsIn<Part>(r, SearchFlags.SelectableParts, this.Include, SearchLayers.Parts));

      if (IsControlKeyDown()) {  // toggle or deselect
        if (IsShiftKeyDown()) {  // deselect only
          foreach (Part p in parts) {
            if (p.IsSelected) p.IsSelected = false;
        } else {  // toggle selectedness of parts
          foreach (Part p in parts) {
            p.IsSelected = !p.IsSelected;
      } else if (IsShiftKeyDown()) {  // extend selection only
        foreach (Part p in parts) {
          if (!p.IsSelected) p.IsSelected = true;
      } else {  // select parts, and unselect all other previously selected parts
        // this tries to avoid deselecting and then reselecting any Part
        List<Part> tounselect = new List<Part>();
        foreach (Part p in diagram.SelectedParts) {
          if (!parts.Contains(p)) tounselect.Add(p);
        foreach (Part p in tounselect) {
          p.IsSelected = false;
        foreach (Part p in parts) {
          if (!p.IsSelected) p.IsSelected = true;

What you could do is sort the collection of Parts found by FindPartsIn, before actually selecting any Parts.