Orthogonal Links Growing unexpectedly

Hi, I have a strange behaviour with Orthogonal routed links. I have a Pool using a GridLayout, which contains Swimlanes having a DefaultLayout. On the Group of the Swimlane I add my nodes and connect the nodes with links everything easy. But when I have two swimlanes and use an Orthogonal routed link, the height of the first swimlane is added to the middle points (only) of this link. I have overridden the Layouts of the Pool, the Swimlane and created a custom Link class. In the Links computePoints() method I see the correct points coming in the first time, but in a second run the additional height is added to the middle points only and I don’t know why or which computation adds these. Do you have an idea which method I could override or debug into. The Layout’s doLayout() methods() seem not to change any links points. I think it is something with the TwoWay Binding on the points. When I change the routing of the link to be go.Link.Normal the points are correctly displayed.

The Problem is From Routing 2 to Routing 3

How it should look like:

How it looks after loading the diagram with the saved points:

How it looks when the link uses routing Normal:

I tried to create a minimal demo application, but guess what, there it is not reproducible.

If you cannot reproduce the problem in a simpler case, you need to narrow down what is causing the problem.

My initial guess: do you need to set Group.computesBoundsIncludingLinks Group | GoJS API to false?

I have solved this problem by initializing a GraphLinksModel with no Links, just the nodes and swimlanes. After relayoutLanes I add the links to the model, this way the points do have the correct values. Maybe not the best solution, but it works!
For me this is a valid solution.

Another possibility – you have set the Link.adjusting property. If so, try not setting it.