Override InsertLink when connecting between nodes

I have managed to get most things working, admittedly I’ve copied most of it from the DynamicPorts demo.

However, I keep getting this error whenever I try and connect two ports i get the following error:
“Override InsertLink(NodeType, PortKey, NodeType, PortKey) to support creating a new link”

See images attached…

Can anyone please point me to what I might be doing wrong?

Seeing as though I have copied the code from the Dynamic Ports example I cant see why I would be missing anything but I might be missing the “Override InsertLink(NodeType, PortKey, NodeType, PortKey) to support creating a new link” part

I think your app does not know how to construct a new LinkType instance and add to the GraphLinksModel.LinksSource collection.

Thanks for the quick reply!

Where do I look to see where it should be constructing a new LinkType?

What is your LinkType, what is your GraphLinksModel.LinksSource type, and how did you declare your GraphLinksModel< . . . >?

The default implementation of GraphLinksModel.InsertLink with four args knows how to handle GraphLinksModelLinkData<NodeKey,PortKey> and UniversalLinkData as the _LinkType_s.