Panels size inside a group


I have this setup, trying to get the left side to be same height as the right size, even when the group gets resized. here is the template I’m working with

 function getGroupTemplate(panelClick) {
      return make(gojs.Group, 'Horizontal',
      make(gojs.Panel, 'Auto',
        make(gojs.Shape, 'RoundedRectangle',  // surrounds the Placeholder
          strokeDashArray: [8, 2],
          parameter1: 14,
          fill: 'white'
        make(gojs.TextBlock,         // group title - name
        {alignment: gojs.Spot.TopLeft , font: 'normal normal 400 normal 14px Roboto'},
        new gojs.Binding('text', 'key'))
      make(gojs.Panel, 'Auto',
        {click: panelClick},
        make(gojs.Shape, 'RoundedRectangle',  // surrounds the Placeholder
          strokeDashArray: [8, 2],
          parameter1: 14,
          fill: 'white'
        make(gojs.Placeholder,    // represents the area with all devices inside ,
        {padding: 5})  // some extra padding around devices inside 

Try setting { stretch: gojs.GraphObject.Vertical } on the left Panel.

Awesome. Thank you. that worked perfectly