Performance issues with links

2 nodes are connected with 20 links. If link template has shape with pathPattern there are performance issues: it’s hard to move one of the nodes, slow zoom-in and so on. If pathPattern is removed all problems are gone.
Template with performance issues:

            new go.Binding("curve", "curve"),
            new go.Binding("curviness", "curviness"),
            goJs(go.Shape, {
                pathPattern: goJs(go.Shape, {
                    figure: "Club", width: 4, height: 4, margin: 4, fill: "green"

Template without performance issues:

            new go.Binding("curve", "curve"),
            new go.Binding("curviness", "curviness"),
            goJs(go.Shape, {
                strokeWidth: 10

Is it possible to use custom pattern for links without performance issues?

Probably not – using path patterns involves a lot of repetitive drawing.

Hmmm, I don’t see that problem when selecting a whole column of nodes in Custom Relationships and dragging them around.