Hello all…
I was wondering how can I position the label on top of GoSimpleNode. In GoBasicNode I had LabelSpot, but I can’t seem to manage doing the same thing with GoSimpleNode… Any suggestions?
Here’s the definition of GoSimpleNode.LayoutChildren. You can modify this override to suit your needs.
public override void LayoutChildren(GoObject childchanged) {
if (this.Initializing) return;
GoObject icon = this.Icon;
if (icon == null) return;
if (this.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) {
if (this.Label != null)
this.Label.SetSpotLocation(MiddleTop, icon, MiddleBottom);
if (this.InPort != null)
this.InPort.SetSpotLocation(MiddleRight, icon, MiddleLeft);
if (this.OutPort != null)
this.OutPort.SetSpotLocation(MiddleLeft, icon, MiddleRight);
} else {
if (this.Label != null)
this.Label.SetSpotLocation(MiddleLeft, icon, MiddleRight);
if (this.InPort != null)
this.InPort.SetSpotLocation(MiddleBottom, icon, MiddleTop);
if (this.OutPort != null)
this.OutPort.SetSpotLocation(MiddleTop, icon, MiddleBottom);
Walter, you’re a life saver! Thank you so so much! It works! all I had to do is switch the two:
if (this.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) {
if (this.Label != null)
this.Label.SetSpotLocation(MiddleTop, icon, MiddleBottom);
Thanks again!