The Label is draggable independent from the node, right?
Hi Jake,
Well, there are a lot of different ways to do this… perhaps the easiest is to just modify the GoObject.DragsNode property when the main node gets selected. You could override OnGotSelection/OnLostSelection on your node (see ChartNode in Classier for a sample of these overrides).
I tried overriding the methods mentioned but it is not working as when
I place mouse cursor on Label and start dragging, OnLostSelection is called which resets the property and hence only label starts moving.
Following is the code: public override void OnGotSelection(GoSelection sel) { bool oldskips = this.SkipsUndoManager; this.SkipsUndoManager = true; m_Label.DragsNode = true; this.SkipsUndoManager = oldskips; base.OnGotSelection(sel); } public override void OnLostSelection(GoSelection sel) { bool oldskips = this.SkipsUndoManager; this.SkipsUndoManager = true; m_Label.DragsNode = false; base.OnLostSelection(sel); this.SkipsUndoManager = oldskips; }
Please let me know if something is incorrect in the above code? Could you please mention other ways also? Thanks, Nagaraj.Hi,
Could you please suggest on other solutions for this functionality?
working on getting 3.0.3 out… I looked at this a little yesterday…be back later.