Problems with Gojs in nuxt 3

I have problems with using gojs 3.0.19 with nuxt 3, the diagram doesn’t appear in my page.

If I only set a diagram to a variable, the watermark appears, but if set nodeTemplate, model, linkTemplate, etc, even the watermark does not appear.

Only with this code, the watermark appears:

diagramTest.value = new go.Diagram(‘processMap’, {
validCycle: go.CycleMode.NotDirected,
‘undoManager.isEnabled’: true,

It’s from a sample

Could you please share more of your code?

I thought the problem is with nuxt 3, so I decided to use version 2.3.17 as in my previous project with nuxt 2. But now I’m getting this error: Error: EnumValue.Default is not a valid geometryStretch.

But my code is the same from my previous project, I only copied that, but now I get that error.

I don’t know which part of my code would you like to see, I defined groupTemplate, nodeTemplate, the model for the diagram and links template and adornments for resizing and selection