I have subclassed GraphLinksModelNodeData to make my own nodes.
In my node, I have a property raising the PropertyChanged using the RaisePropertyChanged inherited:
public bool? Value
return this.inputValue;
private set
if (this.inputValue != value)
bool? old = this.inputValue;
this.inputValue = value;
this.RaisePropertyChanged(“Value”, old, value);
In my application, the Value property is set from another thread, so I’m using a dispatcher to call from the right thread:
private void UpdateValue()
// Execute in the right thread
if (this.UIDispatcher.Thread != Thread.CurrentThread)
this.UIDispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(this.UpdateValue));
this.Value = this.memberValue.CurrentValue;
The setter is called and the RaisePropertyChanged is called as well.
My getter is not called back to get the correct value - I think it should. I looked when creating obects, it is calling back and updating properly.
I checked that we are in the right thread, it seems we are.
Any idea what can be wrong? What are you doing in the RaisePropertyChanged - I suppose you just raise the Property changed event.
Thx for any advice - I have no more idea why it is not behaving properly.