Random stopped responding error

occasionally i receive the following error when performing operations w/in the diagram:
“A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.

if i press the continue button that the browser prompts me w/ it finishes what was being done eventually.

it’s very random when it happens, sometimes when it loads other times when expanding/collapsing all nodes, etc… there isn’t a specific action that causes it.

we have currently 1059 nodes and will eventually have over 2000 nodes

any ideas as to the cause of this or what this error is in reference to?

What kind of layout(s) are you using?

Chances are that they are taking a long time to run. At the moment there is no good solution that is universally applicable. However if you do not need to perform layouts as you are expanding or collapsing trees or groups, you could avoid layouts by setting Part.layoutConditions to a combination of Part.Layout… flags that suits your application, on each Node and each Link template that you are using.

the layouts that i’m using are:
treeStyle: go.TreeLayout.StyleLastParents,
arrangement: go.TreeLayout.ArrangementVertical

Oh. TreeLayout is very fast, so I do not think that would be causing the long-running computation that the browser is complaining about.

So I cannot provide a good explanation of why your app is getting that warning. I hope you are not loading the data from the server synchronously.

If you profile your app, where is the time being spent?

when profiling the app the script blows up switching into edit mode:
code is:
myDiagram.nodeTemplate = editTemplate;

edit template is:
var editTemplate =
GO(go.Node, “Spot”,
//Drag-N-Drop additions
{ mouseDragEnter: function (e, node, prev) {
var diagram = node.diagram;
var selnode = diagram.selection.first();
var shape = node.findObject(“SHAPE”);
shape._prevFill = shape.fill; //set the original color
if(shape.fill === “#999999”){ //if gray, change to white
shape.fill = “#FFFFFF”;
} else { //else if white, change to gray
shape.fill = “#999999”;
mouseDragLeave: function (e, node, next) {
var shape = node.findObject(“SHAPE”);
if(shape && shape._prevFill){//set back to the original color
shape.fill = shape._prevFill;
mouseDrop: function (e, node) {
var diagram = node.diagram;
var selnode = diagram.selection.first();
if (isParentChangeAllowed(selnode, node)){ //if changing parent and is allowed
var link = selnode.findTreeParentLink();
if(link !== null){
link.fromNode = node;
} else {
diagram.toolManager.linkingTool.insertLink(node, node.port, selnode, selnode.port);
{ selectionObjectName: “PANEL”, isTreeExpanded: false,
contextMenu: //defines the context menu
GO(go.Adornment, “Auto”,
new go.Binding(“visible”, “showDetails”, Boolean),//binds to showDetails or not
GO(go.Shape, “RoundedRectangle”, { fill: “#F2ED84” }),//end shape
GO(go.Panel, “Table”,
{ maxSize: new go.Size(243, 999),
margin: new go.Margin(3, 3, 0, 3),
defaultAlignment: go.Spot.Center },
GO(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 0, width: 24}),
GO(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 1, width: 10}),
GO(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 2, width: 14}),
GO(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 3, width: 10}),
GO(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 4, width: 14}),
GO(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 5, width: 10}),
GO(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 6, width: 14}),
GO(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 7, width: 10}),
GO(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 8, width: 14}),
GO(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 9, width: 10}),
GO(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 10, width: 14}),
GO(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 11, width: 10}),
GO(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 12, width: 14}),
GO(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 13, width: 75}),
GO(go.TextBlock, “YQN”,
{ row: 0, column: 0, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),
GO(go.TextBlock, " | ",
{ row: 0, column: 1, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),
GO(go.TextBlock, “C”,
{ row: 0, column: 2, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),
GO(go.TextBlock, " | ",
{ row: 0, column: 3, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),
GO(go.TextBlock, “A”,
{ row: 0, column: 4, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),
GO(go.TextBlock, " | ",
{ row: 0, column: 5, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),
GO(go.TextBlock, “P”,
{ row: 0, column: 6, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),
GO(go.TextBlock, " | ",
{ row: 0, column: 7, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),
GO(go.TextBlock, “S”,
{ row: 0, column: 8, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),
GO(go.TextBlock, " | ",
{ row: 0, column: 9, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),
GO(go.TextBlock, “R”,
{ row: 0, column: 10, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),
GO(go.TextBlock, " | ",
{ row: 0, column: 11, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),
GO(go.TextBlock, “T”,
{ row: 0, column: 12, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),
//start of data binding for Level values
GO(go.Picture, { row: 1, column: 0, alignment: go.Spot.Center},
new go.Binding(“source”, “YQN”, convertLevelPictureSource)),//YQN
GO(go.TextBlock, “|”,{ row:1, column: 1, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),//SPACER
GO(go.Picture, { row: 1, column: 2, alignment: go.Spot.Center},
new go.Binding(“source”, “C”, convertLevelPictureSource)),//C
GO(go.TextBlock, “|”,{ row:1, column: 3, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),//SPACER
GO(go.Picture, { row: 1, column: 4, alignment: go.Spot.Center},
new go.Binding(“source”, “A”, convertLevelPictureSource)),//A
GO(go.TextBlock, “|”,{ row:1, column: 5, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),//SPACER
GO(go.Picture, { row: 1, column: 6, alignment: go.Spot.Center},
new go.Binding(“source”, “P”, convertLevelPictureSource)),//P
GO(go.TextBlock, “|”,{ row:1, column: 7, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),//SPACER
GO(go.Picture, { row: 1, column: 8, alignment: go.Spot.Center},
new go.Binding(“source”, “S”, convertLevelPictureSource)),//S
GO(go.TextBlock, “|”,{ row:1, column: 9, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),//SPACER
GO(go.Picture, { row: 1, column: 10, alignment: go.Spot.Center},
new go.Binding(“source”, “R”, convertLevelPictureSource)),//R
GO(go.TextBlock, “|”,{ row:1, column: 11, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “center” }),//SPACER
GO(go.Picture, { row: 1, column: 12, alignment: go.Spot.Center},
new go.Binding(“source”, “T”, convertLevelPictureSource)),//T
GO(go.TextBlock, “”,
{ row: 2, column: 0, columnSpan: 13, font: “italic 9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, minSize: new go.Size(10,14)}),
GO(go.TextBlock, “Commander Override:”, //override
{ row: 3, column: 0, columnSpan: 10, font: “italic 9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “left”, visible: false},
new go.Binding(“visible”, “overRideColor”, convertShowOverride)),
GO(go.Picture, { row: 3, column: 12, visible: false},
new go.Binding(“source”, “overRideLevel”, convertLevelPictureSource),
new go.Binding(“visible”, “overRideColor”, convertShowOverride)),
GO(go.TextBlock, “”,
{ row: 4, column: 0, columnSpan: 13, font: “italic 9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, minSize: new go.Size(10,14)}),
GO(go.TextBlock, "Pres Loc: ", //location
{ row: 5, column: 0, columnSpan: 4, font: “italic 9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “left”, minSize: new go.Size(10,14)}),
{ row: 5, column: 4, columnSpan: 10, font: “italic 9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, minSize: new go.Size(10,14)},
new go.Binding(“text”, “locationName”)),
GO(go.TextBlock, “”,
{ row: 6, column: 0, columnSpan: 13, font: “italic 9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, minSize: new go.Size(10,14)}),
GO(go.TextBlock, “Report Date:”,
{ row: 7, column: 0, columnSpan: 5, font: “italic 9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, textAlign: “left”, minSize: new go.Size(10, 14) }),//end report date
GO(“ContextMenuButton”, { row: 7, column:7, columnSpan: 7},
GO(go.TextBlock,{ row: 7, column:7, columnSpan: 7, click : function(e, obj) {
new go.Binding(“text”, “reportDate”)))//end view report button
)//end panel
)//end context menu
},// end node properties
new go.Binding(“isTreeExpanded”,“everExpanded”).makeTwoWay(),
GO(go.Panel, “Auto”,
{ name: “PANEL” },
GO(go.Shape, “RoundedRectangle”,
{ name: “SHAPE1”, fill: “transparent”, stroke: “black”, strokeWidth: .5, visible: false},
new go.Binding(“visible”, “overRideColor”, convertShowOverride)//set whether to display the extra border or not
), //end SHAPE1
GO(go.Panel, “Auto”,
{ name: “PANEL2” },
GO(go.Shape, “RoundedRectangle”,
{ name: “SHAPE”, fill: graygrad, stroke: “black”, portId: “”, cursor: “pointer” },
new go.Binding(“fill”,“color”), //set the node color
new go.Binding(“stroke”, “overRideColor”, convertOverrideBorderColor), //set the overrideLevel border color
new go.Binding(“strokeWidth”, “overRideColor”, convertOverrideBorderWidth) //set the overrideLevel border width
),//end shape
GO(go.Panel, “Table”, //panel where the text will reside
//define rows and margin sizes
{ name: “TextPanel”, maxSize: new go.Size(500, 999), margin: new go.Margin(3, 3, 0, 3), defaultAlignment: go.Spot.Left},
GO(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 2, width: 4 }),
GO(go.TextBlock, //name
{ row: 0, column: 0, columnSpan: 2, font: “bold 10pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, minSize: new go.Size(10, 14) },
new go.Binding(“text”, “name”), new go.Binding(“stroke”, “color”, function(v) {if (v == “#008000” || v == “#FF3300”|| v == “#0066FF”){ return “white”;} else {return “black”;}} )), //end name
GO(go.TextBlock, "UICC: ",//UIC
{row:1,column:0, font: “bold 9pt sans-serif”, textAlign: “center”, stroke: “black”}, new go.Binding(“stroke”, “color”, function(v) {if (v == “#008000” || v == “#FF3300”|| v == “#0066FF”){ return “white”;} else {return “black”;}} )),
{ row:1, column: 1, font: “9pt sans-serif”, stroke: “black”, margin:(0,0,0,5)},
new go.Binding(“text”, “uic”), new go.Binding(“stroke”, “color”, function(v) {if (v == “#008000” || v == “#FF3300”|| v == “#0066FF”){ return “white”;} else {return “black”;}} ))//end UIC
) // end TextPanel Panel
)// end PANEL2 Panel
),//end PANEL Panel
GO(“TreeExpanderButton”, {
alignment: go.Spot.Bottom, alignmentFocus: go.Spot.Top,
click: function(e,obj){
var node = obj.part;
if (node === null) return;
e.handled = true;
var data = node.data;
var model = myDiagram.model;
if(data.everExpanded == false){
model.setDataProperty(data, “everExpanded”, true);
var children = node.findTreeChildrenNodes();
if(children.count === 0){
obj.visible = false;
model.setDataProperty(data, “everExpanded”, false);
}//end function
})//end expander button
); // end editTemplate

below is the top 10 results from the profile trace:

U.prototype.cloneProtected 10524 7.32% 4677.856ms 6634.99ms 0.63ms 0.271ms 3145.793ms
go-debug.js (line 926)
U 10524 6.19% 3954.418ms 5753.082ms 0.547ms 0.304ms 1971.307ms
go-debug.js (line 924)
nh 1305 5.28% 3373.625ms 46869.222ms 35.915ms 1.844ms 2988.359ms
go-debug.js (line 942)
U.prototype.ma 3949 3.7% 2366.901ms 2721.213ms 0.689ms 0.029ms 2208.348ms
go-debug.js (line 967)
U.prototype.fa 14103 1.68% 1076.362ms 7679.243ms 0.545ms 0.027ms 6.392ms
go-debug.js (line 965)
C.prototype.Qb 877 1.66% 1057.8ms 14210.332ms 16.203ms 12.22ms 2210.259ms
go-debug.js (line 1136)
Nd.prototype.cF 7425 1.49% 950.344ms 4229.712ms 0.57ms 0.349ms 2.209ms
go-debug.js (line 417)
undefined 73762 1.4% 896.548ms 896.548ms 0.012ms 0.009ms 105.111ms
go-debug.js (line 971)
u.prototype.bd 7424 1.39% 885.096ms 7334.801ms 0.988ms 0.844ms 64.218ms
go-debug.js (line 784)
C.prototype.se 16654 1.32% 842.418ms 2669.129ms 0.16ms 0.047ms 105.693ms
go-debug.js (line 1107)

What is your link template? If you are using go.Link.AvoidsNodes, try using go.Link.Orthogonal instead.

myDiagram.linkTemplate =
    GO(go.Link, go.Link.Orthogonal,
        { corner: 5, relinkableFrom: true, relinkableTo: true },
        GO(go.Shape, { strokeWidth: 2 })

I cannot explain it – loading or modifying a 2000 node Diagram that uses TreeLayout shouldn’t take long at all. A few seconds at most.

Are there any messages in the console log? Also, try using go.js instead of go-debug.js.