Remove separator line in ContextMenuButton

How do you remove the lines marked with blue arrow from ContextMenu and ContextMenuButton? They are most likely the border of the ButtonBorder but none of these worked for me:

go.GraphObject.make('ContextMenuButton', {
  'ButtonBorder.fill': 'white',
  'ButtonBorder.stroke': 'transparent',
  'ButtonBorder.strokeWidth': 0,
  _buttonStrokeNormal: 'transparent',

That’s caused by anti-aliasing of the two adjacent rectangles.

You can avoid it by redefining the “ContextMenu” builder so that there’s a white background between the "ContextMenuButton"s. Or just insert a Panel to do that. For example:

          $(go.Panel, "Vertical",
            { background: "white" },
              $(go.TextBlock, "first"),
              { click: (e, button) => console.log("first") }),
              $(go.TextBlock, "second"),
              { click: (e, button) => console.log("second") }),
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Amazing, thanks.

Actually, could you just set the background of the “ContextMenu” panel?

        { background: "white" },
          $(go.TextBlock, "first"),
          { click: (e, button) => console.log("first") }),
          $(go.TextBlock, "second"),
          { click: (e, button) => console.log("second") }),

That is, without an intermediate Panel?

That doesn’t work. In fact setting the background on ContextMenu doesn’t seem to have any effect.