Resize node

I have subclassed GoComment in order to have special behavior:

How can I let the node beeing resized?

Resizable = true shows resize handles, but the node will not be resized at all.

Is there a way to wrap the text?

Thanks for any advise,

There’s a ResizableComment class in Demo1. (It’s also Collapsible.)

Sorry, can’t find that. (V3.0.2)
Can you please tell me the class name?

assuming you installed the kit in the default place:
My Documents\GoDiagram Win 3.0.2 for .NET (2.0 or 3.5)\Samples\Demo1\ResizableComment.cs
My Documents\GoDiagram Win 3.0.2 for .NET (2.0 or 3.5)\SamplesVB\Demo1\ResizableComment.vb


there is no file with that name, either .vb nor .cs

Oh, I am using the GoExpressVersion, and you ment the GoWin…