Resize panel which contains elements

I have a problem with the resize elements in the panel ( node.resizeObjectName = “PANEL” ). I added screens. Node contains panels arranged Horizontal. How does it do to the elements in the panel with shapes rotated also increased in size? Additionally during resize panel with figures increased panel descriptions which is not desirable. What is the optimal way to this trouble ?

What is your node template?

What do you want to happen when the user resizes the panel?

Here’s what I just tried:

    myDiagram.nodeTemplate =
      $(go.Node, "Horizontal",
          selectionAdorned: false,
          resizable: true, resizeObjectName: "PANEL",
          rotatable: true, rotateObjectName: "PANEL"
        $(go.Panel, "Viewbox", { name: "PANEL" },
            $(go.Shape, "Circle",
              { fill: "transparent", stroke: "darkred",
                width: 10, height: 10, position: new go.Point(0, 0) }),
            $(go.Shape, "LineV",
              { width: 1, height: 40, position: new go.Point(5, 5) }),
            $(go.Shape, "Circle",
              { fill: "transparent", stroke: "darkred",
                width: 10, height: 10, position: new go.Point(0, 40) })
        $(go.TextBlock, new go.Binding("text", "key"))