Resizing Object after Rotation

After rotating a rectangle Panel (let’s say 90 degrees clockwise) we noticed that when trying to resize the object by grabbing the left side of rectangle after rotating has some very weird effects. Instead of allowing the left side to be pulled, it causes the right size to expand and contract. Is there something that we are doing wrong when creating the shape.

Resizing an object when rotated is being reworked for 1.7.

Depending on the nature of your template, you might have a better time if your resize object is not the same as your rotate object.

I was just playing around with that by setting the rotateObjectName and resizeObjectName of the Panel. I will try to see if I can get the desired effect.

I was not able to resolve the issue by setting or unsetting the resize or rotate object. Our desire it to allow the shape to be the resizing object, while allowing the entire panel to rotate about the center.

We see the same issue occurring even with picture boxes.

Thanks. Any timeline on the 1.7 release?

BTW: I know I say this a lot, but you all rock when it comes to responsiveness. Thank you so much.

We don’t have an estimate for 1.7 release, sorry. Alpha has begun, but we can’t make any promises for a Beta or stable release. It will be shipped when its ready.

Totally understand Simon. We know the pressures of timelines, and I wasn’t asking to put you on the spot. Just wondering if it was soon or not. Thanks.