Right click not working ProtoApp

If you run the sample application or ProtoApp from the Program Menu the Right Click on a node brings up Cut, Copy and Properties. If you load the VB version in VS.NET and run it, it does not. I changed the following the line of code in GraphNode.vb from:
Public Overrides Function OnContextClick(ByVal evt As GoInputEventArgs, ByVal v As GoView) As
Public Overrides Function OnContextClick(ByVal evt As GoInputEventArgs, ByVal view As GoView) As Boolean
and it seems to work fine. The change was ByVal v to ByVal view.

Thanks for pointing this out. There was another spot just like that in Demo1.
I don’t know if you have version 2.2.2, which have all the examples translated into VB.NET, but there are probably some more typos there too. If something doesn’t work, try the C# version. (Not that the C# version is necessarily bug-free…)