Save node position while using a default Layout

I am using GoJS in React, I created the model using one of the default Layouts (CircularLayout) but I only want a node to obey this layout’s positioning on creation, the user should be able to rearrange the node and when they leave the page, I want to make a call to the backend to save the current position of all nodes and load them in those exact position on subsequent mounts.

The code for my diagram’s wrapper component:

 private initDiagram(): Diagram {
    const $ = GraphObject.make;

    const diagram = $(
      Diagram, {
        'undoManager.isEnabled': true,
        'undoManager.maxHistoryLength': 0,
        'clickCreatingTool.archetypeNodeData': {text: "New", color: "lightblue"},

        layout: $(CircularLayout,
          { spacing: 100, sorting: CircularLayout.Optimized }),
        model: $(GraphLinksModel, {
          linkKeyProperty: 'key',
          // positive keys for nodes
          makeUniqueKeyFunction: (m: go.Model, data: any) => {
            let k = data.key || 1;
            while (m.findNodeDataForKey(k)) k++;
            data.key = k;
            return k;
          // negative keys for links
          makeUniqueLinkKeyFunction: (m: go.GraphLinksModel, data: any) => {
            let k = data.key || -1;
            while (m.findLinkDataForKey(k)) k--;
            data.key = k;
            return k;
    Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Badge', function(shape, w, h) {
      var radius = h / 2,
          geo = new Geometry();

      // a single figure consisting of straight lines and half-circle arcs
      geo.add(new PathFigure(0, radius)
          .add(new PathSegment(PathSegment.Arc, 90, 180, radius, radius, radius, radius))
          .add(new PathSegment(PathSegment.Line, w - radius, 0))
          .add(new PathSegment(PathSegment.Arc, 270, 180, w - radius, radius, radius, radius))
          .add(new PathSegment(PathSegment.Line, radius, h).close()));

      // don't intersect with two top corners when used in an "Auto" Panel
      geo.spot1 = new Spot(0, 0, 0.1 * radius, 0.1 * radius);
      geo.spot2 = new Spot(1, 1, -0.1 * radius, 0);

      return geo;

    diagram.nodeTemplate = $(
      Node, 'Auto', { selectionObjectName: "STAGE" },
        new Binding('location', 'loc', Point.parse).makeTwoWay(Point.stringify),
        Shape, 'Badge', {
          name: 'SHAPE', fill: 'white', strokeWidth: 0,
          // Port properties
          portId: '', fromLinkable: true, toLinkable: true, cursor: 'pointer'
        // Shape.fill is bound to
        new Binding('fill', 'color')
      $(Panel, "Horizontal",
      { margin: 5 },
        { text: '\uf055', font: '12pt FontAwesome' }),
        // { click: function(e, obj) {
        //  const = wrapperComponent = 
        //  } },
        TextBlock, {
          margin: new Margin(5, 10, 5, 10), font: '400 .875rem Roboto, sans-serif', name: "STAGE"
          // Add more styles if needed
        new Binding('text').makeTwoWay()
        { text: '\uf142', font: '12pt FontAwesome' }),
    ) as unknown as Node;

    // Linking
    diagram.linkTemplate = $(
      Link, new Binding('relinkableFrom', 'canRelink').ofModel(),
      new Binding('relinkableTo', 'canRelink').ofModel(),
      $(Shape, { toArrow: 'Standard' }),
      $(TextBlock, new Binding('text', "label"),
      { segmentOffset: new Point(0, -10),
        segmentOrientation: Link.OrientUpright }),

    return diagram;

I do not know how to go about this.

Have a TwoWay Binding on the Node.location property, so that any changes to the node’s location are automatically saved in the model data, whether the result of a layout or the manual movement using the DraggingTool.

To disable future automatic layouts, set Layout.isOngoing to false. You can still force another layout if you want. Please read GoJS Layouts -- Northwoods Software

When you want to load a model that already has saved location information for all of the nodes, you’ll either want to disable the automatic layout by setting Layout.isInitial to false, or just not set Diagram.layout at all.