Hello All,
But that is exactly the default behavior: the DraggingTool automatically selects all of the newly created nodes and links.
Have you modified the DraggingTool or changed the behavior of the Diagram.ExternalObjectsDropped event handler to lose the selection?
Oh, that’s because the diagram doesn’t have focus.
The focus is still in the control that was the drag source.
I don’t recommend changing that behavior, because that will confuse users.
But if you insist on doing so, you can implement a Diagram.ExternalObjectsDropped event handler to try to reassign focus to the Diagram.
Thanks for your valueable reply.
Selection is completely independent of focus.
That’s for Silverlight; I don’t even know if you are using Silverlight or WPF.
I am using silvelight.
That depends. As the documentation for PartManager.OnNodeAdded states, you should not be modifying anything in the model about the node in that method.