setDataProperty() to undefine / remove a property


I’m trying to remove a property from an object that is within my model (associated with a port). I use model.setDataProperty(object, propertyName, newvalue) to update such values, but in this case I wish for propertyName to be removed from object altogether, and to have this modification be subject to the undo machinery. What is the proper way to accomplish this?



Use undefined as the new value.

GoJS models and bindings do not distinguish when a property does not exist on an object and when a property does exist but the value is undefined, so if you really need to delete the property rather than set it to undefined, I’m not sure there’s a good simple solution. Maybe via side effect a property setter could remove itself?

OK, I think that will work. I’ll make any code of my own that manipulates that model data do the same – treat undefined and no such property as identical conditions.

[edit: Another possibility for anyone looking to do this is to use setDataProperty on the containing object, and replace it with a copy of the original, with the particular property deleted.]

