Several types links in LinkTemplateMap

I have 3 types of objects - A, B and C.

If I have an A -> B relationship, then I need one type of link, if A -> C, then another type.

I can do this with 2 different types of links and write them LinkTemplateMap and linkDataArray to specify the category. Example:

        { stroke: "blue", strokeWidth: 5 }),
            fill: "blue",
            stroke: null,
            toArrow: "Standard",
            scale: 2.5
            toArrow: "Diamond"

"linkDataArray": [
{"from":"a", "to":"b", "category":"first"},
{"from":"a", "to":"c", "category":"second"},

Are there ways to do this without having a property with a category? What is the best way to solve my problem?

You could set the Link.category dynamically. But I don’t know when you would want to do so.

Note that not having the information in the model data means that it’s not saved in the model.

Yes, I considered this option. Thanks.