Showing link Labels Conditionally

I am trying to show link labels if the node and its child nodes are selected, I have the following code:

  myDiagram2.linkTemplate = 
 	{ curve: go.Link.Bezier, toShortLength: 5 },
	{layerName: "Background"},
	 	new go.Binding("stroke", "isHighlighted", function(h) { return h ? "#388E3C" : "#009BE1"; })
	graph(go.Shape, { toArrow: "Standard" },
	 	new go.Binding("stroke", "isHighlighted", function(h) { return h ? "#388E3C" : "#009BE1"; })
	graph(go.TextBlock, "",
		{font: "13px sans-serif", stroke: "black"},
                   //key binds to the "key" property in the json
		new go.Binding("text", "isHighlighted", function (h) { return h ? "key" : ""}))

In the below screen, shot, I’d like to show label text for all the green links:


You might be wanting to use a Binding on the GraphObject.visible property of the text label, the TextBlock.

Can you possibly show this in code? Thanks

I’m not entirely sure what you want, but here’s an example that shows a diagram which highlights links when both the fromNode and toNode of that link are in the Diagram’s selection:

Then the links have a data binding with their label text:

        new go.Binding("text", "isHighlighted", function (h, obj) {
          return h ? : ""

You wrote a comment in your binding:

 //key binds to the "key" property in the json
new go.Binding("text", "isHighlighted", function (h) { return h ? "key" : ""}))

But that’s not what your code is doing. Your code is returning the string “key” instead of looking at the link data for a data.key. Links also, by default, do not have key properties assigned.

Your binding also needs .ofObject() to work.

Awesome, thanks a lot! Works great. I was just wanting to bind to the “weight” property in the links array so when a node was selected it showed the percentages…makes more sense I think when there are links crossing each other the labels sit on top of one another…I just changed to “”. Thanks again

Glad that example helped.