Some SVG Images don't scale properly in Safari

We are using SVG images created via the same procedure. In Safari 9.1.3 on OSX some scale correctly while others do not.

phost.svg does NOT scale:
router.svg does scale:

diagram.nodeTemplateMap.add('phost', $(go.Node, "Table", {},

	// main node shape
	$(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", {
			row: 0,
			column: 1,
			parameter1: 10,
			name: "SHAPE",
			fromSpot: go.Spot.RightSide,
			toSpot: go.Spot.LeftSide,
			portId: "",
			stretch: go.GraphObject.Fill,
			fill: DISPLAY.nodeColor,
			strokeWidth: 0,
			minSize: new go.Size(60, 0)

	// internal panel layer
	$(go.Panel, "Auto", {
			row: 0,
			column: 1,
			shadowVisible: false,
			padding: new go.Margin(7, 10)
		$(go.Picture, {source: "images/phost.svg", scale:1}))));

1.0 is the default GraphObject.scale, so setting it has no effect.

I think you might need to set or bind the GraphObject.desiredSize (or both the GraphObject.width and the GraphObject.height) to real values on your Picture object.


diagram.nodeTemplateMap.add('phost', $(go.Node, "Table", {},

	// main node shape
	$(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", {
			row: 0,
			column: 1,
			parameter1: 10,
			name: "SHAPE",
			fromSpot: go.Spot.RightSide,
			toSpot: go.Spot.LeftSide,
			portId: "",
			stretch: go.GraphObject.Fill,
			fill: DISPLAY.nodeColor,
			strokeWidth: 0,
			minSize: new go.Size(60, 0)

	// internal panel layer
	$(go.Panel, "Auto", {
			row: 0,
			column: 1,
			shadowVisible: false,
			padding: new go.Margin(7, 10)
		$(go.Picture, {source: "images/phost.svg", scale:1.1, desiredSize: new go.Size(20,20), width: 20, height: 20}))));

width and height together are a synonym for desiredSize, so there’s no point in setting all three.

I’m not sure we can do anything about this – it might be a bug in Safari. How does it work in different browsers, or on different platforms?

we dev in chrome and firefox on osx, windows and linux with no problems in any of those. are you using svg elements to create these?

<svg preserveAspectRatio='none'>

Yeah there are some odd SVG bugs with rendering to a canvas. We try to accomodate them, and give some guidelines here about what to do.

You seem to already be doing the right thing, except I recommend making sure your set width/height/desiredSize are exactly the values that the SVG element uses.

This example works for me in Chrome/Safari/IE11: