Press Strg (a copy of the node appears at the original location)
Release Strg
Press Strg (NO copy appears)
Release mouse-dragging
I get the following error in the console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'toKeySet')
at DraggingTool.doMouseUp (go.js:11:35736)
at Diagram.doMouseUp (go.js:13:7597)
at xM.i.ra (go.js:13:5698)
This error crashes our application and is rather unintuitive to debug.
What can we do to stop this from happening?
It seems like a bug somewhere in the STRG+Drag interaction.
We’re using gojs v2.2.23 via npm.
I would prefer not having to distribute a special version internally, but to update to a fixed and published version on npm.
We have a few roadblocks to clear before updating to v3 so a patch for a v2.x Version would be nice.
Regarding roadblocks: Last time I checked we had some problems with images not showing in the go.Palette on iOS.
I haven’t had the time to analyze this, so I don’t have any further information.