
Hi there.
Is swimlane-support a planned feature?

Yes it is. I guess none of the samples demonstrate this either.

Although the appearances should be clear, could you describe what behaviors you would want?
We ought to create some samples for this.

Hello walter.
Thanks for your immediate reply.
More important than an example is that we can get excellent and fast support.
We prepare a web based development environment for industry automation.
The main task is to provide a absolute professionell environment.
Thats very hard as RIA has a long way to really behave like a desktop solution.

At the moment following components are realized on base of another diagramming
solution which did never fit our needs but helped us at beginning:

  • workflow designer (swimlane, nodes, edges, dialog editors)
  • db designer (nodes, edges, dialogs)
  • state designer (state transformations)
  • organisation and directory designer
  • BOM-designer (bill of materials, both table and tree based)

I think you got a feeling for the needs :-)

Swimlanes should support for the beginning:

  • child nodes limited to its parent swimlane container
  • user defined swimlane size
  • vertical/horizontal swimlanes
  • header text + icon

Not much, the basics.

Would be pleased to hear from you !!

Best regards,
Alexander Münch
Autoflow Automation Systems

Well, if you have seen all of our samples, I think you can find samples that implement something like what you are talking about for each of your kinds of components. I don’t know what you want for a BOM designer, but I assume it’s basically tree-oriented, so that shouldn’t be a problem.

We’re working on a swimlanes sample.

BOM (bills of material) is a detailed tree view showing the pieces/parts a product is made of.

OK, try version 1.0.2 – it includes a Swim Lanes sample.
