temporaryLink shape of relinkingTool does not work

Hi, I tried to specify the shape of the temporaryLink of linkingTool and relinkingTool.

The code snippet is below:

          "linkingTool.temporaryLink": $(
              layerName: "Tool",
              curve: go.Link.Bezier,
              curviness: 50,
              routing: go.Link.AvoidsNodes,
            $(go.Shape, { stroke: "#01778E", strokeWidth: 2 }),
              go.Shape, // the arrowhead
              { toArrow: "Standard", fill: "#01778E", stroke: null },
          "relinkingTool.temporaryLink": $(
              layerName: "Tool",
              curve: go.Link.Bezier,
              curviness: 50,
              routing: go.Link.AvoidsNodes,
            $(go.Shape, { stroke: "#01778E", strokeWidth: 2 }),
              go.Shape, // the arrowhead
              { toArrow: "Standard", fill: "#01778E", stroke: null },

Note that both have the same link template. However only the linkingTool temporaryLink now has curve, not the one from the relinkingTool.

temporaryLink from linkingTool (working!)

temporaryLink from relinkingTool (not working :( )

How can I make the relinkingTool temporaryLink has curve as well? Thanks so much for your time!

I am putting the complete HTML + JS code below.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
      style="border: solid 1px black; width: 100%; height: 700px"
    <script src="../../release/go-debug.js"></script>
      function init() {
        const $ = go.GraphObject.make;

        const myDiagram = $(go.Diagram, "myDiagramDiv", {
          layout: $(go.LayeredDigraphLayout, {
            layeringOption: go.LayeredDigraphLayout.LayerLongestPathSource,
            layerSpacing: 100,
          "linkingTool.temporaryLink": $(
              layerName: "Tool",
              curve: go.Link.Bezier,
              curviness: 50,
              routing: go.Link.AvoidsNodes,
            $(go.Shape, { stroke: "#01778E", strokeWidth: 2 }),
              go.Shape, // the arrowhead
              { toArrow: "Standard", fill: "#01778E", stroke: null },
          "relinkingTool.temporaryLink": $(
              layerName: "Tool",
              curve: go.Link.Bezier,
              curviness: 50,
              routing: go.Link.AvoidsNodes,
            $(go.Shape, { stroke: "#01778E", strokeWidth: 2 }),
              go.Shape, // the arrowhead
              { toArrow: "Standard", fill: "#01778E", stroke: null },

        myDiagram.nodeTemplate = $(
            $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", {
              fill: "white",
              width: 100,
              height: 30,
              portId: "",
              fromLinkable: true,
              toLinkable: true,
              go.TextBlock, // the text label
              new go.Binding("text", "key"),

        myDiagram.linkTemplate = $(
          go.Link, // the whole link panel
            selectable: true,
          { relinkableFrom: true, relinkableTo: true },
            go.Shape, // the link shape
            { strokeWidth: 1.5 },
            go.Shape, // the arrowhead
            { toArrow: "Standard", stroke: null },

        const nodeDataArray = [
            key: "Alpha",
            key: "Beta",
            key: "Gemma",

        const linkDataArray = [
            from: "Alpha",
            to: "Beta",
            fromPort: "Right",
            toPort: "Left",

        const model = new go.GraphLinksModel();
        model.nodeDataArray = nodeDataArray;
        model.linkDataArray = linkDataArray;
        myDiagram.model = model;

      window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init);

RelinkingTool.copyLinkProperties RelinkingTool | GoJS API is called when the tool is activated, so that the temporary Link has the same behavior as the Link being reconnected. That includes the Link.curve property, which is why those initial settings didn’t seem to have any effect.

I suppose you could override RelinkingTool.copyLinkProperties to be a no-op.

Hi Walter,

I tried the following but either of them works :(

          "relinkingTool.copyLinkProperties": function (reallink, templink) {},
          "relinkingTool.copyLinkProperties": function (reallink, templink) {

Do you have any working code or sample? Thanks a lot!

I just tried this, and it worked just as I think you would expect:

      "relinkingTool.copyLinkProperties": function() {},
        $(go.Link, { curve: go.Link.Bezier },
          $(go.Shape, { stroke: "red", strokeWidth: 3 })

Thank you Walter. I ran a wrong file. :( sorry about that