When printing a GoView diagram the label is clipped.
This happens when text has uppercase characters.
Seems like the size is computed for lowercase.
The figures are GoIconicNode.
The Label has Wrapping=true, Resizable=true
Looks like this in view:
and like this when printed
ok, I can’t really tell the FamilyName or the FontSize from your code snippets. If you could put a complete sample
together that reproduces the problem and either post that here or email it, I’ll take a look.
Ok, if you need 24 point, try Arial. I do see an issue with Verdana at 24 points. There is code in Go that tests fonts
to make sure they fit the box in print mode (.NET has some issues here, we try to work around them). For some
reason, Verdana isn’t quite happy with our scaling. I’ll add this to the list for the next release.
Pardon the interjection, but 24 point seems a tad large for normal usage. Is that typical usage?