Tooltip is going beyond my diagram


I am using html based tooltip and my tooltip is going beyond my diagram when I set its position based on which node is selected.

Is there any way smartly goJs can handle and place the tooltip to right x and y?

I am trying to write a custom function to figure out the position of x and y, but no luck. = tooltipXPosition(parseInt(me.goJsDiagram.transformDocToView(obj.part.location).x.toFixed(0)), toolTipContainer.offsetWidth, me.goJsDiagram.documentBounds.right); = tooltipYPosition(parseInt(me.goJsDiagram.transformDocToView(obj.part.location).y.toFixed(0)), toolTipContainer.offsetHeight, me.goJsDiagram.documentBounds.bottom);

 function tooltipXPosition(pos,containerSize,diagramExtreme) {
     if( pos + containerSize < diagramExtreme) {
       return pos+70+'px';
     else {
       var offset = pos + containerSize - diagramExtreme;
       return pos - offset  + 'px';

 function tooltipYPosition(pos,containerSize,diagramExtreme) {
     if( pos + containerSize < diagramExtreme) {
       return pos+'px';
     else {
       var offset = pos + containerSize - diagramExtreme;
       return pos - containerSize + 'px';

Somehow, the diagramExtreme is not getting the right value to solve this puzzle. Could you please help?

I doubt that you want to use document coordinates when computing HTML element positions or sizes. Both Diagram.documentBounds and Diagram.viewportBounds are in document coordinates. Instead, use the size of the DIV that is holding the diagram.

Thanks! It worked!