Tree-view Invalid div id; div already has a Diagram associated with it

Hi I am using this tree view GoJS Tree View

I have implemented this tree in Vue js 3. So we have search area when user will click on search button according to filter data tree should render.
But initially when i click first time on search button it is working fine but when i try to click on 2nd time with some filter that means new response will be there in that case i am getting this error " Invalid div id; div already has a Diagram associated with it"

I have also used gojs other component , for those component i just set to null this.myCodeBotDiagram.div=null; and by issue was resolved

But for this above tree component still getting same error. even when i am trying to set div to null. Please give me solution for this

Check in the debugger whether your assignment of the Diagram.div property to null has happened before resetting it to some HTMLDivElement.