TreeLayout default collapse level

I want to configure default collapse level for TreeLayout. Please check below code segments

<gojs-diagram #sngHierarchy [divClassName]='diagramDivClassName' [initDiagram]='initDiagram'
                  [linkDataArray]='state.diagramLinkData' [modelData]='state.diagramModelData'
public initDiagram = (): go.Diagram => {
      this.diagram.addDiagramListener('InitialLayoutCompleted', (e: any) => {
            e.diagram.findTreeRoots().each((r: any) => {
                r.collapseTree(2); // set default collapse level 2

However this is not working as expected. If console out e.diagram.findTreeRoots() it’s values are empty. Maybe I am using incorrect Listener?

Doing the collapse in an “InitialLayoutCompleted” DiagramEvent listener is OK.
An alternative is to default Node.isTreeExpanded to false and then call Node.expandTree instead on each root.

If diagram.findTreeRoots().count === 0, then either you have no Nodes or there is at least one Link coming into each Node. So the graph is not tree-structured.

Actually graph is tree-structured. Here is a screenshot

What I want is below in initial loading

If I change InitialLayoutCompleted to LayoutCompleted intial loading is exactly same as second screenshot (which I want). But then can not expand collpased nodes as nothing happens

So, what was the value of diagram.findTreeRoots().count?

It shows 0

Well, because you definitely have some Nodes, you must have some unexpected Links. Examine the Diagram’s Nodes or the GraphLinksModel carefully.

Looks like nodes and links model is correct. Because If I change InitialLayoutCompleted to LayoutCompleted it works. But then I can not expand collpased nodes as nothing happens

If you do not want to change your graph to be tree-structured, you will need to find the root nodes some other way.

Collapsing or expanding nodes will result in a layout, so such a “LayoutCompleted” listener would keep collapsing trees.

I’ve tried to find root nodes by looping e.diagram.nodes. However due to some reason within InitialLayoutCompleted event it also empty

diagram.addDiagramListener('InitialLayoutCompleted', (e: any) => {
      console.log('Node Count',e.diagram.nodes.count)
      console.log('Root Node Count',e.diagram.findTreeRoots().count)
      e.diagram.nodes.each((r: any) => {

Both logs returns 0. However I can see nodes and tree structure in the graph. I am using following gojs versions.

“gojs”: “^2.3.11”,
“gojs-angular”: “^2.0.6”,

Hmmm, it seems that when the initial layout happens your model is empty. I’m guessing that you are using gojs-angular components, version 2. The way that we designed those components is that each diagram component has a single Diagram with a model whose data is replaced.

Normally an initial layout (or other “initial…” things) only happens when the model is replaced – i.e. when the value of Diagram.model changes. However one can cause the “initial…” stuff to happen without replacing the model by calling Diagram.delayInitialization. The Angular (and React) components do that after a call to clear, because that is the way that the component will know that a model data change should be treated as if it were a first time load, rather than just a modification of the model.

So I’m wondering if you are not calling clear on the diagram component when you want to “load” a “new” model.

Yes Walter we are using gojs-angular components, version 2. Could you please refer any document how to call clear?

Yes, read the section on “A Note on Diagram Reinitialization” in GoJS and Angular -- Northwoods Software.

It did work. Thanks Walter!