treeMapper custom properties to Model

Hello Walter.
I am basing myself on your example from treeMapper.html; however, I’m wondering how I can make all nodes have two custom properties. For example, I’d like all nodes in the model to have a prioritization property

I’m not sure what you mean.

On the object in the model (in the Model.nodeDataArray) you can have as many properties as you like.

If you want to show multiple properties, you can add as many TextBlocks as you like, probably within one or more Panels so that you can arrange them the way that you want. Each would have a data Binding to a corresponding node data object property. In the case of the TreeMapper sample, you can literally just add some TextBlocks to that “Horizontal” Panel in the Node template.

You’re right, it was just a matter of adding the properties to the nodeDataArray, and when the model is built, the new properties are already included. Thank you very much!