i’m in trouble with understanding svg path parsed by geometry String…
I have this path:
F M 0 0 H 50 M 0 50 H 50 M 0 0 V 50 M 50 0 H 100 M 100 0 V 50 M 50 50 V 100 M 100 50 V 100 M 0 100 H 50 M 0 150 H 50 M 0 100 V 150 M 50 150 H 100 M 100 100 V 150
But, though the final shape is not filled… What’s the problem?
If you want a filled path figure you have to define it as a single figure, not separate straight lines. Don’t keep starting a new figure by picking up and Moving the “pen” to a new point.