Unable to detect context clicks from within a VS Code custom editor (v1.96+)

Hi GoJS team,

I have a VS Code extension that opens a JSON file in a custom editor (iFrame) and runs a react app. This react app renders a GoJS diagram based on the contents of this JSON file.

When I upgrade my VS Code to a newer version, i.e. anything about 1.95, I notice that GoJS isn’t able to register context clicks anymore. Left-click selections work, dragging around nodes and links work fine. It’s just the right-click that is not registered.

The context click works fine in 1.95 of VS code and below, it registers the click and displays the context menu as expected.

I also have other react components (e.g. a MUI treeview) that handle left and right clicks fine. It’s just the GoJS diagram that doesn’t seem to be able to detect the right-click anymore.

Any idea what’s wrong and how I can fix this? I am using the latest version of GoJS: 3.0.16.


First, I assume this is not the same as this VS Code bug: [Bug]: Right click does not work or crashes VS code 1.96 (macOS) · Issue #178 · illixion/vscode-vibrancy-continued · GitHub
That was caused by a bug in Electron: Release electron v32.2.7 · electron/electron · GitHub
Is that correct? Have you tried this on both macOS and Windows?

Second, I tried looking through the release notes for 1.96 but could not find anything suggesting what this bug might be. Clearly it isn’t anything that Northwoods has changed in GoJS. Do you have any more information about the problem? Have you tried using the debug version of GoJS? Are there any exceptions or warning messages in the console? Is there a transparent pane handling context click events in front of the Div hosting the Diagram?