Unable to reduce the panel spacing

I am trying to reduce the spacing between 2 panels

Screenshot 2020-07-08 at 17.56.38

I am not sure how to do that, here is the code I use -

this.$( go.Group, "Vertical",
			// @ts-ignore
				selectionObjectName: "SHAPE",  // selecting a lane causes the body of the lane to be highlit, not the label
				resizable: false,
				ungroupable: true,
				canUngroup: true,
				layout: this.$( go.GridLayout,  // automatically lay out the lane's subgraph
						wrappingColumn: 1,
						cellSize: new go.Size( 1, 1 ),
						spacing: new go.Size( 5, 5 ),
						alignment: go.GridLayout.Position,
						comparer: function ( a, b ) {  // can re-order tasks within a lane
							let ay = a.data.order;
							let by = b.data.order;
							if ( isNaN( ay ) || isNaN( by ) ) {
								return 0;
							if ( ay < by ) {
								return -1;
							if ( ay > by ) {
								return 1;
							return 0;
					} ),
				computesBoundsAfterDrag: true,  // needed to prevent recomputing Group.placeholder bounds too soon
				handlesDragDropForMembers: true,  // don't need to define handlers on member Nodes and Links
				mouseDragEnter: ( e, grp, prev ) => {
					// @ts-ignore
					if ( grp.canAddMembers( grp.diagram.selection ) ) {
						this.highlightGroup( grp, true );
					} else {
						grp.diagram.currentCursor = "not-allowed";
				mouseDragLeave: ( e, grp, next ) => {
					this.highlightGroup( grp, false );
				mouseDrop: ( e, grp ) => {  // dropping a copy of some Nodes and Links onto this Group adds them to this Group
					// don't allow drag-and-dropping a mix of regular Nodes and Groups
					if ( e.diagram.selection.all( ( n ) => {
						return !(n instanceof go.Group);
					} ) ) {
						// @ts-ignore
						let ok = grp.addMembers( grp.diagram.selection, true );
						if ( !ok ) {
			new go.Binding( "location", "loc", go.Point.parse ).makeTwoWay( go.Point.stringify ),
			// the lane header consisting of a TextBlock and an expander button
			this.$( go.Panel, "Horizontal",
					name: "HEADER",
					angle: 0,  // maybe rotate the header to read sideways going up
					alignment: go.Spot.Left,
				this.$( go.Panel, "Auto",
					this.$( go.Shape, ShapeLibraryHelperService.nodeStyle( '#cfd0d3', null, 162, 4 ) ),
					this.$( go.Panel, "Horizontal",
						{ alignment: go.Spot.Left },
						this.$( go.TextBlock, ShapeLibraryHelperService.textStyle( {
								name: "Section Header",
								editable: true,
								margin: new go.Margin( 15, 10, 15, 10 ),
								textValidation: true,
								font: 'bold 12px Roboto'
							} ),
							new go.Binding( "text", "text" ).makeTwoWay() )
			),  // end Horizontal Panel
			this.$( go.Panel, "Auto",  // the lane consisting of a background Shape and a Placeholder representing the subgraph
				this.$( go.Shape, "Rectangle", ShapeLibraryHelperService.nodeStyle( 'red', null, null, 4 ),
					new go.Binding( "fill", "isHighlighted", function ( h ) {
						return h ? "#D6D6D6" : "#F1F1F1";
					} ).ofObject(),
					new go.Binding( "desiredSize", "size", go.Size.parse ).makeTwoWay( go.Size.stringify ) ),
				this.$( go.Placeholder,
						padding: 12,
						alignment: go.Spot.TopLeft


I can’t tell what ShapeLibraryHelperService.nodeStyle returns, but I would guess that the gap is caused by the Shape.strokeWidth of the border shapes (the main element of the “Auto” Panels). They increase the size of the Shape and thus the Panel, even if the Shape.stroke is null or “transparent”.