Visible vs IsVisible

Today I’ve notice that I’ve use IsVisible property thinking it means if the node is visible or not.
As it turns out it means if the node is “on screen” or not.

Am I right? If so it is very confusing name.

Thank you,

Yes, the “visible” terminology is inherently ambiguous. However, I’m not aware of any “IsVisible” property or method.

Perhaps you mean the Part.Visible property. That property is independent of where the viewport is in the model, independent of any possible obscuring parts that might be in front of it, and independent of whether all of the elements within the part are “visible” and have non-null & non-transparent brushes.

If you want to know whether the part is within the bounds of the viewport, compare the Part.Bounds with the Diagram.Panel.ViewportBounds.

I was not clear about my question.
In my custom layout algorithm I want to layout only the visible nodes.
To do that I use Diagram.PartManager.FindNodeForData and on the return node use IsVisible property of UIElement by-mistake.

It’s not your problem, only a mistake I made.

Thank you,

By default layouts only operate on Visible Parts.