Want to adjust row width as per data

  1. Diagram UI

  2. Source Code of Node Template

3) Source Code of Method Template

4) Source Code of Fields Template

I want to adjust the table row width according to the size of the data present in various sections. For example, when I open the ‘Field’ section, the row size should adjust accordingly. Similarly, when I open the ‘Method’ section, both sections’ row sizes should adjust based on the data.

I think the UML Class sample demonstrates a similar node design that stretches each of the rows of the “Table” Panel horizontally.

To show that, just change the background of the two “Vertical” Panels holding the lists of item panels.

But I want separators between data like Table row defaultRowSeparatorStroke, is this possible in class diagram sample?

if possible which property help me to show separator using class diagram sample

Do you mean between the properties, or between the methods? If so, change the “Vertical” Panel to be a “Table” Panel, and change the item templates to wrap the current “Horizontal” Panel with a “TableRow” Panel.